Chapter 2

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Olivia's pov*
After we changed our babies we took them downstairs and set them in their high chairs and I got 2 bags of breast milk out of the fridge and put them into some bottles to warm up and then I made some porridge for them to eat.
Once making the food and warming up the bottles and checking the temperatures I handed John Liam's bowl and bottle and I sat down with lily's and began to feed her. "Now we have some rules that we will like you to follow. We will add on more as we see fit.
1. you call us mummy and daddy
2. No toilets you use your diapers
3. You will eat or drink whatever we give you
4. You have to use baby words
5. You will not walk you will either be carried or you crawl
6. we will dress you and change you to whatever we want.
7. no shouting or hurting others
2.laxatives In your bottles
3.cold bath
4.embrassing clothing
and we will add more on if we see fit"I explained. Lily eat all what I gave her but when I tried to feed her the bottle she turned her head away.

Lily's pov*
I didn't want drink the drink incase they put laxatives in it. "What's the matter hun why aren't you drinking your milk" olivia asked calmly. "No thirsty"I replied in a baby manner so I wouldn't get into trouble. She sighed then picked me up and took me to the couch. I hope she isn't spanking me. "Let's try this then shall we" she asked before laying me across her lap and unbuttoning her T-shirt and moving her bra. Oh no please don't tell me she is gonna try and breast feed me. She began to move her breast closer to my mouth but I kept it firmly shut. Her nipple was now on my lips. She sighed then held my nose which made me open my mouth to breathe and that's When she put her breast into my mouth. I tried pushing away but she was too strong. She then squeezed her breast and milk started to squirt into my mouth but I never drunk it but soon it became to much and I had to drink it which made her smile happily. I began to suck not enjoying this at all. Once I was finished she swapped me over to the other breast but I whined to let her know I was done and she sorted her and bra out. She then stood up and walked upstairs and went to the nursery that they took me and Liam before just now and put 4 thick diapers on me. I looked confused. "This is for not doing what we told you to do. Plus we put laxatives in the porridge just without you knowing" she explained "we are also not changing your diapers Intil this one is leaking understood" olivia  asked. I nodded. "Good , now lets go see what daddy and Liam is doing" she said before picking me up and taking me downstairs. We saw John and Liam Lying on the sofa watching a movie covered in a blanket. Olivia took off her shoes before putting me and her under the blanket cuddling me. She then passed me to John before asking for Liam. John passed her Liam then held me. I just watched the movie which was Peter rabbit the new one.

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