10 years old (tobis is 12)

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"Toby what's up with you?" He continues to stare at the floor and mumbles something inaudible. I haven't seen him as much as I normally do in the last few months maybe this has something to do with it, I have been seeing him just only three or four days a week. "Toby you know I can't hear you." He looks up an says quietly "Bea Prior I really like you, will you go out with me ?" Oh my god the Tobias Eaton just asked me out yay. "Yes oh my god yes yes of course." I kiss him on the check and he smiles, a huge smile, one that reaches his ears his eyes finally have their sparkle back. before we get home we go to a tree in the corner of Abnegation and carve into it;


inside of a heart and go home.

Toby and I talk and train all afternoon and it's great. Now he has to leave so he kisses me on the cheek and walks out. As soon as he leaves my room I start dancing (A/N break / hip hop) a minute later I see Toby smiling at my door. "Toby! I thought you left why we're you staring at me." He smiled even more and walked in the room. "I left my jacket in here but I saw you doing whatever this is and I liked it so I watched." I am slightly embarrassed right now. I say, "I call it dancing, I was moving my body to my internal beat." He grinned, "then maybe I should call you Beat." I grinned at my new nickname, "sure, grab your jacket." Once he got his Jacket he gave me a kiss on the cheek, said goodbye (I did the same) and left. Before dinner I decided to work out so I did 100 sit ups, 100 crunches, 100 pull ups (The bar in my wardrobe supports my weight), 50 1 handed push ups on each hand and a 10 minute plank.

After I Finnish I get called down for dinner, chicken and peas, Caleb and I sit in silence while mum and dad have some sort of discussion about stuff I'm not listening to, all I'm thinking about is Toby. When we are all done I clean the table and wash up the dishes. Once I am done I say good night to my mum, dad and Caleb, then go up to my room and work out again (I normally only work out once a day but I have a lot more energy and I always workout before bed. I did the same work out as before beaut added 50 1 handed pull ups as well and made the plank 15 minutes. Once I'm done I hop into bed and go to sleep.

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