The revenge plan

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I got to the net five minutes early. Peter brought Drew and Eric came. We got down to business quickly. "So let's spit ball, I want him humiliated, hurt physically as well but mainly humiliated, I want this prank to have a big pay out so the lead up might take a while, he can't find out my name or who I was before I came here, but when it is done he will never forget." They think for a while.

"Beat him up, the mighty four beaten up by a girl, you could beat him though, look at your abs." I blush slightly at Peters comment, it's dark so no one can see.

"Nah, not big enough." we spit ball for a while until Drew comes up with a perfect idea.

"Make him fall in love with you, then take a video when you break his heart."

"Drew, that's perfect."


A/N there will be a lot of skipping and in a couple of chapters there will be a big update.

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