chapter 1

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This is my Arika Wadhwa

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This is my Arika Wadhwa

Teaching is an extraordinary delight of my life. It gives me immense pleasure and solace. There isn't anything more fulfilling than realizing that one has established a connection with someone else's life. It gives a sense of thorough joy and achievement. Children are the most lovely and adoring living beings. They can be funny on occasion, make one snicker, and, as a matter of fact, laughing is the only ultimate solution for one to end the day with a happy note.

As a mathematical instructor at Darjeeling, I never realized that teaching would give me the bliss and fill up my void life. I'm most joyful at school, encompassed by novice students who cherish and admire their teacher. Darjeeling, situated in the state of West Bengal is a delightful spot with many natural beauty and a host of flora. Initially, I was doubtful of residing in these circumstances, living in Mumbai for around twenty-two years; however, conditions were such that I needed to abandon the place, and today when I look back I'm happy that I took this decision.

I left behind a family (which didn't cherish me), companions (more than a family), and a wrecked marriage (which was destined from the beginning). I came here around seven years ago and not once lamented my choice. Possibly the reason being that since my childhood days I had a fondness for slope station places—the sensation of remaining warm at evening when it's cold outside. Watching TV serials every day wrapped inside the covers, I, fortunately, did every one of these. It's around seven years; since I came to Darjeeling, I got affirmation, cleared my tests, got the qualification, and a gold award in Math at university level. I got multiple offers and opportunities to work outside and was also offered hefty sums, yet the prospect of leaving the spot was impossible. The thought of being home was here, and the addictive influence of monetary gains can make an individual change his plans.

I have a lot of companions who never let me be alone and their family who loves me. I have two closest companions, Shruti, similar to my spirit sister, and Sinu knows it all ahead of time. We completed education together and Shruti teaches music at the same school. Sinu is the other half; he is my aide and logician who knows what and when something incorrectly occurs. He is quite possibly the most compelling individual I have ever come across. Shruti stays with her folks, and Sinu has a tremendous family. Both the families love me, and I realized that it's the emotional connect I always yearned for.

I'm Arika Wadhwa. Buddies call me Ari. I don't know how my family considered saving a particularly great name for me; however, I'm happy that at least they accomplished something acceptable for me.

"Ari," I hear Sinu and Shruti shouting to me, breaking my train of contemplations.

"Hello folks what's going on?" I get up from my workspace to welcome my companions, keeping to the side the papers I'm correcting.

"Hello supper at my place today, have a declaration to make," Sinu says.

Me and Shruti, both in Association, say, "Yes obviously."

After school, I arrive home. Complete the tasks and plan Gajar halwa for the Sinu family; they are warm and inviting individuals who consistently cause me to feel prized. I wear my pants and an unsettled white top. Being on big size makes the closet size the least, not that I don't adore garments but rather being finicky. I love wearing garments that suit my character, upgrade my figure, and doesn't make me look outdated. I wait for Shruti.

The doorbell rings. I make the way to see my dazzling companion Shruti lingering at the doorstep, looking lovely as a heavenly messenger. Shruti is a delight with beautiful and a caring soul. Her delightful inward soul makes her staggering outside.

"Something smells wonderful, Ari," Shruti asks me.

"Shruti you're not getting it so early," I bother her.

"You're so mean Ari" Shruti frowns at me.

"Take a look at your face, my dear companion. I have made for you too Shruti, here hold this container" I give her the crate.

"I love you Ari" she embraces me.

"I love you too Shruti and now enough of this drama, we should go", I gesture to her.

We arrive at Sinu Randhawa's home. Presently let me guide you; this is the immense fantasy manor. It's a three Store manor with ten rooms and a lovely nursery which is pleasant. It's in the midst of wonderful thick vegetation.

I'm welcomed by their guardian, "How are you, madam? After such countless days you have come".

"Indeed, Raju Chacha. I trust you're taking your tablets."

"Definitely, I'm taking on schedule, Arika beta,"

"That is satisfactory, and is your grand daughter's confirmation done at the school?"

"Indeed madam, Sinu betaji did it for me, you are such kind individuals that I don't need to stress over anything."

I grin. "Take care Chacha."

As we reach inside the home, Sinu comes and embraces Shruti and me. "I respect you, both are always consistent on schedule" We both grin at Sinu.

"Has my Ari shown up?" By her shrill voice, I know it's Sinu's grandmother.

"Indeed, ma I'm here" I grin at my Ma, who loves and spoils me.

"Come here give me a kiss" I kiss her and give her the container of desserts I have arranged.

She grins at me, "So sweet my ari, continually considering about others" I smile.

"You're spoiling here, ari" Sinu's folks come grinning towards us to welcome me.

"We cherish you at such an extent that we won't ever mind spoiling ma with sweets."

We are having dinner; Sinu's family pampers me, causes me to eat nearly everything.

"You know due to you individuals I'm actually fat" I take a look at them while stuffing my most loved paratha into my mouth.

"Push you're soft and Ari your grandpa enjoyed me like that, all feathery."

"What's the uncommon event Sinu?" Shruti questions him.

I realize what will occur. Sinu has arranged everything along with them. Sinu adored Shruti for a long time, yet he is old-fashioned and needed his loved ones to be available when he proposed to her.

Sinu goes on his knees, and I Whistle, "Kid you can do it" Shruti is shocked and taking a glance at Sinu and me.

"Shruti, I adored you, from the first occasion when I saw you, I realized you were the one for me. I can't get enough of you, kindly consent to wed me and make me the most joyful man alive" Shruti is stupefied; everyone can see her astonished face, however after some time, she grins and nods. I embrace them both.

"My closest companions are getting hitched and I can't be more than glad," I say with enthusiasm, and everyone is praising them.

Grandmother embraces me, "In spite of the fact that I'm glad for my grandson, I needed you to be my little girl- in-law."

"I'm your little girland ma simply take a look at them they are made for one another" We bothgrinned at one another.

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