Chapter 9 - The Resolve

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This can not be happening. A TWIN brother AND he had the SAME DREAM? Safi could not believe what she was hearing. Never in her wildest imagination did she think something like this could happen.

"We need to find your brother right now." Safi demands. Elias shrugs and gets out his phone to call Eman.

"Hey, there's this woman I'm with right now who says she needs you? Her name? What's your name again?" Elias asks looking down at Safi.

"Say that Safi needs him right now" Safi requests standing up again.

"She said her name is Safi. We're outside of interview room 3. Okay, see you soon bro" Elias says before hanging up. Safi and Elias stand there in awkward silence till they hear the sound of a sneaker squeaking. They both look up to see Eman running up to them. Safi meets him in the middle to stop him.

"We have a slight problem." Safi whispers uneasily. A confused look comes across Eman's face as Safi pulls him to the side explaining what happened. After Eman hears the whole story, he looks at his brother's face completely unamused by the whole situation.

"Really bro? I know people say twin telepathy is real but the SAME dream?" Eman questions. Elias shrugs and walks up to Safi and Eman.

"I mean the dream doesn't have much meaning to me. I had the dream, then it came true. Big deal. Not like I'm interested in her all of a sudden or women in general", Elias discloses walking away. A million emotions flash through Eman's face as he realizes his brother just nonchalantly came out to him. Safi stands there unsure of what just happened, but feeling relieved nonetheless.

"Well, I guess we might have freaked out over nothing.", Safi laughs nervously. This whole situation has been weird and it just seemed to get worse as time goes on.

The awkwardness is broken by the sound of Eman's pager going off. He checks it and immediately takes out his phone to make a call.

"Hello? Yes? Okay, I'm on my way. Do not sedate her till I can get there.", Eman demands before hanging up. Safi's eyes widen at the panicked look on Eman's face.

"I have to go. There's a patient who just came in acting violently. I'll call you later." exclaims Eman as he runs down the corridor.

Safi stands there dumbfounded. What just happened in the matter of 20 minutes?

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