Chapter 19 - The Connection

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"Miss Simba, were you aware of the abuse when it started?"

"How did you get custody of the two boys?"

"ADA Burton, how do you plan to go after the defendant?"

The sound of the flashing cameras and yells of questions was almost deafening. Safi knew that they were just doing their job, but it was like they used that as an excuse to leave their respect at home. ADA Burton wrapped his arm around Safi as she tried the shield the boys' faces from the crowd and he led her into the courthouse.

"The media circus is always one of the worst parts of these cases. They will ask you anything and everything," he said, seeming to read Safi's mind. Safi nodded.

He brought them to a room that looked like a living room in somebody's house. She sat the car seat on the couch and Aaron next to it.

"So let's go over how this is gonna go today. Today will be opening statements and your witness statement. I will be showing the pictures of what happened to your home as well as the note that you received. Then tomorrow, we will present the evidence collected from the boy."

"And he's not appearing before the jury at all right?" Safi shifted around, her nerves catching up to her.

"No he's too young. It would be more traumatic than beneficial and we don't want more harm done to him."

Safi looked down at Aaron who was holding onto a blanket that he refused to put down when they left the hotel. She guessed it started to become a security blanket for him.

"As long as he doesn't have to say anything, everything will be okay..."she trailed off.

The trial began.

Safi had to wait in the room for what felt like forever. She wasn't allowed to be in the courtroom until they called her to the stand. A woman was supposed to come get her when it was time.

She sat there holding a sleeping Braxton in her arms. A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. The door opened and a man stepped in.

"Hey Safi, how are you?"

"Eman? What are you doing here?" Safi stands up with Braxton and walks over.

"I'm not exactly suppose to be here with you, but I just wanted to check up on you. Things went crazy the last time I saw you and you didn't respond to my calls."

Safi's face became puzzled and then she remembered.

"I didn't pick up because the police changed my number when me and the kids went into protection. The only people I was in contact with was the detectives and the ADA."

"Oh okay, I thought something awful had happened to you until I saw the news report. I rushed over here as soon as I could."

Safi shifted around awkwardly. She didn't know how to be around Eman, not with the way things kept playing out with him.

"Look. I know things haven't been all flowers and sunshine between us, but flowers don't bloom without a little rain."

He stepped in closer to her, closing in the space between them until they were an inch apart.

"Eman, I don't know if I can do this. If I can do us. I've got a little boy and a baby I've got to worry about now. There were talks of giving me full custody of them since there might be no hope of their mother getting out."

"Well...I've always wanted kids. I can make sure that the little boy gets the psychological help that he will need."

Safi looked down at Braxton.

"It's not that simple Eman."

"But why not Safi? Out of all the complicated things in your life right now, why can't we make this thing simple?"

He lifted her head to have their eyes meet. He gave her the God-like smile that just melted all her fears away.

"I feel connected to you. I don't want to lose you."

He kissed her lips softly, sending a spark through the air around them.


They pulled apart and looked over at Aaron sitting up on the couch. Safi laughed.

"I see you're speaking more words. That's very good Aaron." Eman walks over to the boy on the couch.

"He's still mostly mute, but he will speak when he sees fit. I've had to teach him some baby sign language so I can communicate with him more effectively, but it would be nice if I could get him to speak more on his own. He's going to be in kindergarten in a couple of months."

Eman knelt down in front of Aaron.

"You speak when you want to. We want you to feel safe enough to be heard."

Eman held up his hand and Aaron gave him a high five.

"You're a good boy. Listen to Miss Safi okay? She'll take good care of you."

Eman got up and walked back over to Safi.

"I gotta go before someone realizes I'm in here. Here's my number. Call me when your testimony is over, okay? I'll do some private sessions with Aaron. Get that speech of his going again."

Safi nodded, a small smile on her face. He kissed her cheek and left the room swiftly.

She walked over to the couch after a smell of dirty diaper disturbed her thoughts. It was after she finished changing Braxton that she was finally called to the stand.

"Miss Simba. It's your time to come to the courtroom."

All her nerves came back with a vengeance.

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