Just Being With You

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It was a month or so after the tragic incident that had cost you your tail fin...and now? Let's just say you couldn't be happier! All seemed to be well with the world. As long as you were home and with him. He was everything to you, your world.

Though you had probably figured, or not. You had also meant the same to him. He loved you like he'd never loved anyone or anything before. And he wouldn't hesitate to call you his mate. Th-that is if you were okay with that of course.

The love between you two ran deeply, like the blood flowing like raging rivers through the veins of every living and breathing creature that has or ever will live.

You had decided to accompany Hiccup and Toothless on their daily flight, (B/F/N) hanging onto your saddle firmly but relaxedly. You spun your body and tucked your wings in as you dived into the mask that the clouds created in the sky, whirling like a dart as you sliced the air with your body, a roar leaving your gaping maw, symphonizing with (B/F/N)'s own thrilled whoop.

It felt amazing to be able to fly again, even after you thought that you wouldn't be able to ever again after the incident. If you hadn't been able to fly anymore, what kind of sorry excuse for a dragon would you become? You didn't even want to get that deep into the details. You were just happy that you could still share moments of freedom with your best friend.


Some time passed and there was a sudden shadow stole the light from over you over you. Rainclouds? Had the clouds swallowed the sun? You had tilted your head to the sky above and (E/C) classed with yellow as your eyes met Cloudjumper's.

"Well, well, well. Look who finally woke up~," you chirped with a small smirk on your face.

The stormcutter rolled his eyes, "who can sleep listening to Ruffnut and Tuffnut bicker about who can belch the loudest."

You beat your wings a couple times and gave a soft nicker to which the stormcutter seemed to veer his eyes off of you.

You nudged his neck with your head and purred softly, earning a gutteral noise from him.

A companionable silence took hold of the two of you and you both seemed to forget about the others you were with. It was just the two of you in this vast and undiscovered world.

You two flew in silence, the wind whistling tenderly past you. You gazed over at the male, your eyes sparkling and filled with the compassion you hold so deeply in your heart for him. You couldn't imagine your world without him. What would have come of you if you hadn't met him? You couldn't help but wonder how different you'd be without him. And the though actually scared you a little.

Looking over at the Stormcutter, you found yourself lost in his gaze(which was set ahead of him). Nothing in this world could compare to how much you loved him. You couldn't explain it, but you definitely felt something very strong for the him.

A urgent shout of your name shook you from your thoughtful daze and your eyes grew to the size of saucers as you saw that you were very quickly approaching an oncoming rock pillar and you scrambled to change direction. You veered out of the way just in the nick of time, letting out a relieved breath as your head lowered. You let out something akin to a sigh and looked over at Cloudjumper who had caught up to you in a hurry.

His eyes found yours, which were still a bit wide with the shock and embarrassment you felt for being such a fool. How did you not notice that?! Easy, you were lost in your fantasies...per usual.

Anyway, he had a small smirk on his face, to which you narrowed your eyes.

"Eyes on the sky and not on me, dear~. I know I'm handsome, so it must be hard for you," the larger dragon held his head higher cockily which led you to scoff.

"As if. Don't get too full of yourself there, that'll come back to bite you in the hide one day," you spoke in return to him, causing an amused sound to leave him.


Upon the return home, you had curled up by the fire so as to quicken the heating process. Perhaps you had relaxed too much, because you had found yourself falling asleep before long.

As you were asleep, Cloudjumper had padded inside slowly and noticed your sleeping form beside the fire, your (S/C) had been lit up a soft orange color nearest the fire. He smiled and laid down beside you and pressed the tip of his nose to yours before sleep managed to catch up to him as well.

(A/N: I'm sorry it's short, my English teacher ended up giving me a research paper to do on Greece and its cultures and traditions to do over Thanksgiving break and I kinda wanted to dive into that as soon as possible. Anywayyy, as promised, here's your next chapter. Sorry for such the long wait, it was never intended. Have a great Thanksgiving guys!! In the comments, tell me what you're thankful for if you like. I'd love to know!)

Until the Sun Dies (Cloudjumper x reader) ~CONTINUED!!~Where stories live. Discover now