Warmth and Love

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Once you had awaken from your slumber, you had noticed a certain stormcutter had curled up against you. You could feel the heat rise to your cheeks and you had decided to take advantage of this moment while he was asleep. You nuzzled closer to him, entwining your tail with his as you rested your head in the crevice of his neck, letting out a warm breath.

It wasn't that these moments didn't happen often, it was just that you could never get enough of them. You craved to feel like this, so serene and happy. You longed for it. To feel him against you...so warm and firm. Ugh, it was great to just feel him breathe and to hear his heartbeat. Something that could put you to sleep.

You had closed your eyes again, your heartbeat and breath syncing with his as you two laid there together. Just the two of you. No one there to cat call or croon at you. No one to pull your attention away. No one but you and him. It was always just you and him... And you preferred it to be that way. You and him against the world.

Your love for this dragon had shocked you before. At first, you didn't know how to feel about it. But you slowly began to realize just how right it trult was. Now the two of you were practically inseparable. Save for a few times during the day when one of you was called away to tend to something and whatnot.

You wouldn't rather be with anyone else. Not ever. All you wanted was to be with him forever. All you wanted was to be mated to this dragon. To be called his. But it was more complicated than that. If only it were so easy... You two barely knew what to call your relationship. Sometimes it seemed to just be a close friendship, sometimes romantic, other times it was as if you two were siblings.

But, you knew. You knew that you loved him like he could be your mate. You wanted him to be your mate. But the season was far, and you didn't even know how to start with the confession. It's not as easy as some make it seem.

You were yanked from your silent reverie when you felt Cloudjumper begin to shift beside you, looking up at him as he yawned.

The larger dragon looked down at you, his eyes hazed by sleep as his eyes met yours.

You broke the staring contest by pointing your eyes in another direction. Odin knew you could stare into those gorgeous eyes until the lightning of Thor would end the world as you knew it. They were hypnotic and like sapphires...but so much better. Absolutely stunning and flawless. And you could still feel them on you as you found yourself taking a newfound interest in the staircase.

You could feel as his tail tightened around your own, which caused your scales to heat up slightly. You loved when he did that. But he only did when he felt something was wrong or off in some way. He could sense anytime you were upset, or scared, or even just in need of some love after a rough and tiring day. He always knew exactly how you felt, and sometimes it came in handy, other times it seemed to be  a curse.

He nudged your head up with his nose and licked under your chin, a low gutteral rumbling emanating from deep in his throat. It was gentle and affectionate. You hummed back in return as you sweeper your tongue gently across his forehead briefly. It was a short but loving lick. He rubbed the side of his face gently against yours and you chirped quietly before burying yourself further into his wings, that we're enveloped around you.

You felt all warm and fuzzy inside, and boy did you not want it to end. Not now. Not ever. All you wanted was for time to freeze in its place so you two could lay there forever. There was nothing better than the companionable silence that took upon the two of you, and it was very comfortable.

It was pretty early in the morning so early that the sun had barely risen in the sky, so no one in the house was awake other than you two. But that wouldn't last forever. Unfortunately.

Until the Sun Dies (Cloudjumper x reader) ~CONTINUED!!~Where stories live. Discover now