The Confession

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A few days had passed since Cloudjumper had randomly decided to take off with no warning.

You were currently perched atop of the Haddock roof, your head held high as the wind whistled past you.

Your (E/C) eyes were set on the horizon, the sky painted with pinks and oranges as the day was reborn again. You enjoyed the silence...but something was missing. Someone to share this beautiful moment with. Heh. You would love to share such a moment with someone...him. But, things we're complicated.

A soft huff had broke past your lips as you looked down at the roof you we're perched on, then back up at the colorful sky.


The day had matured, and the sky had grown blue as time went on. You had decided to take a day to be alone yourself; just as he had done.

You padded through the forestry as trees and shrubbery passed you. Your footsteps we're near silent as your mind drifted off into wherever. Sometimes it helped to be alone when you had something in your mind. You'd learned that from Cloudjumper..(well, many others had told you something similar, but when Cloudjumper told you, you actually took the advice.)

You missed him...but you needed your time to think and decide. How were you going to come out with it? 'Hey, Cloudjumper. Just wanted to say I love you! Sorry for taking so long to tell you. I just didn't know how to say it.'

You sighed. No, that was not the way you wanted to tell him. You decided to try again.

With yet another sigh, you began, "hey... Uh. I kinda have something to tell you... Heh. It's uh...kinda important. Well, here goes. I-I love you, okay? There... I said it... You make me so happy. And when I see you, I just wanna...lick your face and tell you I love you over and over again. I-I love you, Cloudjumper."

The words had flowed out of you like a river, and Gods did it feel great to get it off your chest. Then...the sudden snap of a twig caused your ears to snap up and your head to whirl in the direction of...-

Oh Gods.


How long had he been there??

Did he hear anything of what you had just said???

Oh Gods, you hoped not. Your heart was pounding against the inside of your chest, and it was deafening in your ears. You stared at him like an idiot, your eyes locked with his.

You two stared at each other for quite a while, and your voice cut through the thick air like a knife when you finally decided to speak.

" long have you been standing there?"

Cloudjumper tilted his head toward another direction to avoid looking at you as he spoke, "...long enough I suppose."

"Did you hear-"

He cut you off suddenly with a nod, and your heart seemed to stop for a moment. Oh Gods, you were humiliated. Especially if he didn't feel anywhere remotely close to the same way.


It was all you could manage out. Nothing more would come out. You didn't know what else to say anyway.

You felt like a complete idiot. And only the Gods knew what was going through his head at that very moment.

You met his eyes for the first time in...well, a few minutes. But it had seemed like forever. You were waiting desperately for any type of response from him, but all he did was stare at you for the longest time. In shock? Screwing with you? Does he not return your feelings??

A small growl left your maw.

"Ugh. For the love of the Gods, say something."

Cloudjumper chuckled, his smile revealing his teeth.

"Seems I've kept you in suspense for long enough," the larger dragon said as he made his way nearer to you.

You felt intense heat rise to your face as he rubbed his head against yours, a gentle, loving purr leaving his throat.

You returned the affectionate gesture gladly and with no present hesitation, lapping his nose gently.

You almost didn't believe this was real. We're you dreaming, or was this finally happening? Oh Gods, your heart was still pounding madly at your chest as complete and utter humiliation evolved into a blissful happiness.

The both of you laid there in the sun for hours, just enjoying each other's company.

Every once in a while, his tongue would sweep across your scales affectionately, only to earn a purr out of you.

Once it got dark, Cloudjumper had suggested that you two get back to the village, and you complied.


Upon returning to the village, Hiccup gently scolded the two of you for staying away all day. But that all passed through one ear and came out of the other. Nothing else mattered to you at the moment. All that mattered was him. How he loved you. How he looked at you. How he gently teased you. How his eyes reflected the firelight.

Everything was perfect now. Not one thing out of place. Your heart's were merged. You were his now. And he was yours.

This was one treasure that you weren't letting out of your sight. Not now, not ever. You just wanted to be next to him forever. You wanted him to hold you; to wrap his wings around you and never let you go.

As the two of you laid as a bundled heap of dragon limbs on the floor, you listened to his heartbeat. The beat of it seemed to sync with your own.

You felt a small smile tug at the corners of your mouth as you nestled yourself deeper into his hold.

You were the happiest you'd ever been. And there wasn't much that could make you any happier. If anything.

(A/N: Oi, peoples. :3 sorry I hadn't updated in a while, I'm about done with my project. Now I just have to make a 30 slide power point. ....okay, now that I think about it...that's a lot. Heh. Oh, well. I can totally get that done. Anyway, I really hope you guys like this. I'm not the best writer, but I like doing this. So yeah. Baiii!! :3)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2018 ⏰

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