Chapter 11

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So your trading me with Jeno? huh!


No... If your fishing for an apology, You can fish for hours! Cause this is completely your fault, not mine.


You kicked me!


I was having a panic attack! What could I do? Because you left, they called me gaylord! Now the whole school knows.


I'm done talking to you.

I was getting so stressed!

Jeno: Jaemin? What's wrong? Jaemin!

Jeno grabbed me and dragged me into the bathroom.

Jeno: Put some water over your face...

Jeno: What happened?

Jaemin: I don't deserve my friends...

Jeno: You'll always have me.

Jaemin: You are... not my friend... You are not even talking to me when Jisung's there!

Jeno: I don't--

Jaemin: Sush...

I don't know why but I just went in for the kiss. It was passionate...

Jeno: You are something... NaNaJaemin.

I broke the kiss and I looked Jeno in the eyes...

Jaemin: Snap me...

I went into the classroom grabbed my stuff and just left. I grabbed my headphones and worked on my music...

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