Chapter 1

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Trey wakes up from his nap and reads the text message his brother Lo sent him. Lo was telling him how this one chick they knew was easy as hell to fuck. Trey didn't know what to feel cause that was his ex but at the same time he don't really care about her cause she gone do what she want. Trey starts starts reminiscing about how he first met Ciara his ex.

6 years ago in the summer time Trey, Lo, and the rest of the family went to church with their grandparents. Trey only wanted to go for the food but the whole family was there so it was gone be funny as shit in church. Instead of sitting downstairs with everyone else in the church, Trey and all of his cousins all sat up on the balcony. Everyone from downstairs looked up to see who is interrupting the service cause they were laughing and being loud.

Trey looks down and sees this girl sitting next his cousin Michelle. Trey just couldn't get over the fact that this girl is pretty as fuck so he just kept staring at her and she just kept staring at him. After church, Trey goes outside where Michelle and her friend was at, he walks up to Michelle and gives her a hug and then talks to her friend. She tells him her name is Ciara and that she seen him staring at her in church. Trey blushes and tells her that she cute and that they should talk more.

Can you say love at first sight ? That's what it seemed like to Trey. He told Lo and his cousins that he got to wife her and they was all laughing and shit. Every Sunday Trey would go to his aunt church just to see Ciara and he would shoot his shot every time he saw her. Trey felt a different vibe being around her. But his ass was so young. He knew all about love at a very young age because he was always looking for it and he never really felt it before.

Trey and Ciara had deep conversations everyday and eventually became close. Trey really didn't feel love since his grandad and his aunt died so he just needed somebody to talk to and try to help him take his mind off a lot of shit. Ciara was his escape from the world and Trey was somebody she can trust.

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