My Oc

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Name: Taneshi Yamada 

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Sexuality: Straight

Looks:  he has brown hair, dark brown hair, blue markings due to his Titan once he shifts for the first time, he has a muscular build and he is 6'4 or 6'5 feet tall. 

( I am shitty at drawing and I suck at spelling because I just realized I spelled Appearance wrong but to be fair it was like 10pm at night when I was drawing this so I was hella tired)

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( I am shitty at drawing and I suck at spelling because I just realized I spelled Appearance wrong but to be fair it was like 10pm at night when I was drawing this so I was hella tired)

Looks: Brown messy hair and brown eyes and he is 5'11 in height

Family: His dad Tayen Yamada was the Tactic and Flying titan but when Taneshi was 7. His father dragged him into the forest and transformed him into a titan due to his fathers remaining years were coming to a end so he had to transformed his son to turn into a titan and Taneshi ate him and gained the powers of the flying and Tactic titan. His mother Nezera was a Titan shifter as well she was known as the razor titan but instead of giving her son her power she gave it to her daughter ( Taneshi's little sister) The powers of the Razor titan by doing the same thing her husband did to their son the only difference was that she was 6 is when  it happened to her. Taneshi has a little sister named Tya Yamada who is a a wild stubborn but fun to hang out with  16 year old who looks like her older brother but has the titan power's of the razor titan.

(Also their doesn't have to be an Aging curse. They could of been eaten because they could of been caught or find out their titan shifters) 

Shifter or Solider:  He is a shifter

Shifter or Solider:  He is a shifter

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His titan form looks like this. The tactic/ flying titan is able to run ten times faster than normal titans or shifters due to it's robotic type booster legs but the down fall he cannot do it for a long time if he does it for such a long time his body gives out and makes him collapse so he can only do fast boosts of speed here and there.... His hands are also mechanical which has twice a tighter grip than a titan shiftier.  The blue marks on his body is built up electricity. When he is pissed he is able to hyper beam out of his mouth by dislocating his jaw out of place and shoots out a huge beam of power and light out of is mouth. The bad side affect is he can only do it once in his titan form. His flying titan side just allows him to fly in mid air for a period of time before landing. So maximum time he can fly is 15 minutes in the air but needs his wings to rest for  30 minutes before flying again. His titans height is 30 meters tall. His eyes are red and blue due to the electricity in his body. 

Personality: He is a fun loving guy who will protect his family or friends from harm. When someone is in danger he will risk his life just to save that person. Cooking is also a passion of his when his sister  loves boxing. 

Crush: Sasha or Mikasa 

Backstory: ( I basically explained it in the family part) 

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