Titan's Invade

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Titans just broke down another wall! You were attacking titans trying to save the people. 

(if you are not a shifter) You were trying to save people until a titan grabs you and was about to eat you until Taneshi pushes you out of the way as he got eaten and his arms blasted off buts say a huge beam of lightning as it hits that titan as it explodes as you saw another titan standing there looking at you. what do you do? 

(If you are a shifter) You were fighting titans until you got grabbed and got eaten by a titan as it bites your arm off in the process as you land into the stomach but lightning forms around you as you did not give up and did not want to die as you transformed into a titan. What do you do?

Other scenario where you are just a dope ass boss killing titans with crush. What do you do?

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