Should of stick to one

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You were a complete fuck boy! You went to your crush and would do a one night stand and go to other crush and have a one night stand with them. Suckish thing is.... you had two kids out of it.... one being first crush and the other one being second crush the problem is they both loved you. You were on a mission for the Survey Corps for four years but, came back to two little kids and both your crushes looking at you? What do you do?

Taneshi's first one night stand was Mikasa and he got his daughter Mya out of it. His second one night stand was with Sasha getting his daughter Makoto out of the one night stand. 

Tya's first one night stand was Annie and she got her son Trevin out of it. Her second one night stand was with Hanji and she got her son Copernicus out of it. (I know... a scientist name XD)

(An: this will include drama and all that fun stuff and if your oc is a female lets do it where you had affairs with two male crushes lets say they didn't know you had two kids of theirs when they got back)

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