Walkie Talkies

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Third Person POV

''Wasn't this fun Geronimo is so beautiful" Star said excitedly. "If you say so Star" Marco said. "What's that supposed to mean" Star snapped back. "Bugs just aren't my thing" Marco said. "Me too" Kelly said."Well whatever you like I like Star" said Tom. "Corny" Kelly said under her breath. Marco heard her and they both started giggling.
       While they were giggling Kelly dropped her walkie talkie. "Hey you dropped this" Marco said. Marco picked it up and gave it to her "Why did we need these anyway" Marco said. Star said "Just in case we get lost speaking of lost we need to go." Star took out her dimensional scissors and made a vortex.

Kelly saw a bee land on her nose she started sawtting it away. Marco noticed and said "Are you okay" While they were swatting it away the vortex closed. Once the bug finnally flew away They noticed that Tom and Star were no where to be found "Where are Tom and Star." Kelly said Marco just remembered Star opening the vortex. "Um Tom and Star left" Marco said. "Okay don't panic you have your scissors right ?" Kelly said." Umm........ Star has my scissors" Marco said sadly.

Sorry that this wasn't a long chapter but the next will be longer. I'll try to make the second part today so be on the look out

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