The story about uncle Mark

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After a while with my mom, i went back in the classroom and i felt Maddy's eyes burn on me. This day couldnt get any worse.


At lunchtime i wanted to be alone so i went to the library. The only place nobody would search for me because i wasnt the kind of people to go to the library. I went to sit in the back, a table where they couldnt see me. I wasnt t hat hungry so i took my notepad and started drawing, drawing was the only thing i did and i really relaxed exept for dancing that was my passion.

The lunch was already half and nobody found me, when suddenly there was a figure in front of me. I looked up and saw him. What was he doing here?

'What are you doing here so alone?' He asked me.

'Go away, Maddy. I want to be alone.' I said, he was the last person i wanted to see at the moment.

'No im not leaving, you look like a mess so you can talk to me.'

'I dont want to talk okay?' I said through gritted theet, he was really getting on my nerves.

'No not okay. I see you're upset so i want to talk to you.' I knew he wasnt going to let .

'Sit down its Gonna be a long story.' And he did what was said. He looked at me with a look from you can begin.

'I.. i dont know here to start.' I said quite nervous.

'Why dont start at the beginning.'

'Okay... so it was last year, my uncle Mark he was feeling sick and went to a docter. At first the docter thought there wasnt anything bad but after a while it started to get worse. After a few tests the found something wrong in his liver. They found out he had cancer in his liver and that after a while his liver wouldn't function like it should. His skin would turn yellow. We thought it was getting better but last week it started to get worse and it hadnt been that bad. So today at french class mom told me he had died and he was such a good man.' I told him the whole story and hadnt even noticed i was crying. I only noticed it when Maddy went to sit next to me and he gave me a hug to comfort me, he was the only one who knew that uncle Mark had cancer and it felt good to get it off my chest.

I was sobbing hard at this moment but he smelled so good. He had like a cinnamon scent but it also reminders me of wallnuts, normale i dont like wallnuts but on him it smelled amazing.

After a while in his arms, we got up and i thanks him and we went both our different ways, i had human science class now with Sara and Marie, Marie was a girl in my class she was small and had small curls in her brown hair, she was half greek.

I arrived just in time and Sara asked me where i was. I answered with a weird 'Ow you know in the library.' She saw i was uncomfortable so she dropped the topic.

Maddy's P.O.V.

After french class i saw that Annie was already gone, god she was fast for her size. It was now lunch but i went to search Annie and decided to not go to the cafeteria where my so called friends where.

The lunch was already half and it was then when i realised that she was at a place you wouldn't think she was, so that meant she was in the library.

When i walked in i saw her sitting at a table at the back in the corner. She was drawing something. I went to her and she looked up from her notepad.

After she explained me what was wrong with her, she was crying so i went to sit next to her and hugged her to give her some comfort. I putted my nose on her hair and she smelled really nice, like i was smelling a flower. I couldnt get enough of her smell.

We went outside and went to our classes i had human science with Andy and Alex. I somehow knew i was the only one she had told the story to.

Left in thoughts school was over and i headed over home but the only thing on my mind was Annie and how she smelled and cried in my arms.



Thank you so much for Reading.

Im at 572 readers at the moment and im so happy people are reading my story.

Love you all



Instagram: unixnse

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