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Somewhere, the extraordinary girl sleeps, coaxed in the warmth of her clothes and the duvet on her bed, her head gently lying on a pillow as her chest routinely rises and falls. Or that's just how I imagine her to be. My mind always seems to be sprinting whilst other's just crawl, it’s constantly thinking and for the moment, my mind is focused on her. Ideas and theories formulate in my head, trying to solve the mysteries of my thoughts, what is she doing right now? Is she sleeping? Could she be dreaming about me? Highly improbable, but a person can hope. The question that next came to my mind was; how did she look when she slept? I may have seen her sleeping before but I could not remember the detail of such a memory. Though what my brain does remember is her smile. I run the image again and again, every replay causes me to smile and my heart warms a little more. In the midst of the darkness of my room, in the midst of the comfort of my bed, my head fills with the brightest thoughts of her, and that beautiful smile.

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