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The chandeliers were aglow and the room was bright. The men and women sat calmly together, conversation was formal and civilised courtesies were exchanged. The ballroom was wondrous, the streaks of silver and gold paraded around, drapes of the finest quality hid the clearly windows. Couples of partners of pairs pranced around the unused space, a sea of jubilee, there suits and gowns colouring the room with colours of primary colours, some not so tasteful, but healthily additions to the intensity of others. Chairs were placed at the corners of the room for tired guest, but were dominated by the clique of the high ladies of society who awaited any gentleman daring to come over to them. Men were occasionally tempted enough to muster up courage to offer one of them a dance. They were what everyone wanted, but the Lonely Boy, leaning away from the crowds with his arms crossed, could not care less about them. His mind was set on someone else across the room, the Extraordinary Girl.

She stood by herself, unsure of what she was supposed to be doing, nervously fidgeting with her fingers. Her hair was flowed down subtly curly, not being restrained unlike her usual ponytail, she wore a blue gown which somehow sparkled under the lights, it was a plain dress, but she was indubitably the most beautiful girl as far as the eye could see. It was an incredibly rare sight for her to be wearing a dress, much less her being at such a superficial event. He observed her, studying details of her face, the lines on her hand, and strands of hair hanging by her face. Her eyes finally met his piercing gaze, she then showed him something he would never forget, her smile. His heart burst at the seams and he walked towards and she too, came to him. They embraced each other with a warming hug, her head snuggly resting on the curve of his neck and the smell of her sweet strawberry scented aroma overwhelmed him.

Then they started dancing, the Lonely boy was an atrocious dancer, but fortunately for him, so was the Extraordinary Girl. They played around with their footing, trying to synchronise a pace but their efforts were in vain and they laughed at how awful at dancing they were. They tried to imitate what the other guest were doing, the Extraordinary girl spun too quickly and ended tumbling into Lonely Boy and they landed together on the ground, giggling like children. She gazed at his smiling face and captured in into her memory, then kissed him lightly. They both easily stood up and, instead of dancing, they walked around the room, hand in hand, their eyes staring into each other's souls, sending spirals of electricity through their veins, suddenly, the bright lights disappeared and panic ran amuck. 

The men gasped and the women screamed, nothing was in sight, started to budge and wobbled around, hands reaching out trying to feel the surroundings, only the feel a sea of hands upon their own bodies. Lonely boy took her into his arms and shielded her from the confusion, bringing her to the corner of the room where she would not be touched by others. The Extraordinary Girl tried to calm herself, but the noise was too distracting, she then focused on the sound of his soft breath, he was perfectly calm and collected, even in the dark, she could feel his eyes trained onto her. She held onto him, embracing his warmth and realising that, his heart was racing too. Soon the room was cleared, all was left was the two of them, he let go of her and walked towards the curtains, pulling them open, letting the moon's glow into the empty room. He then walked to the middle of the dance floor and raised his hand, gesturing for her to come to him. She did so, the soft tapping of her feet on the marbled floor. He took a firm hold of her petite hand, his other hand on her hip, she squeezed his hand and held him by his shoulder, and they danced together, by themselves, in an empty room, but never feeling so complete.


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