Mystery: The first meeting

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[Naib's POV]

I'm surprised and relieved at the same time.

How did Nabi get here? I'm glad she's okay.  We were sent on different areas and soon got separated. She looks matured now same height as me.

We were sorta identical

[Authors POV]

Nabi chatted to the others normally, that's one way she's different to Naib because Naib only speaks from time to time and he goes straight to the point not wanting to prolong any conversation

But Nabi, she got along with everyone

"ohh so you decode the machines then escape from the hunter? Sounds interesting" she said looking at the not so good looking scribbled map of the arms factory Freddy made.

"so what's your ability Nabi? " Emma asked eyeing the elbow pads she has

"Mhmm it says on the letter I need to propel myself from the wall and tackle the hunter" she said reading the rest of the letter she has

"wish I can switch abilities, I don't want you getting in trouble" Naib spoke in a brotherly way

"I am trouble" Nabi said and smiled as Naib facepalmed

"do you want to join next round? " Emily asked

"aren't you guys rushing things" Naib said looking at them

"the earlier she experiences the faster she'll learn" Vera replied

"well I gotta play sooner or later right? Might as well learn early, don't worry I won't get into trouble" Nabi said to Naib as he sighed in defeat

"okay she's joining us next round, Me,  Vera, Tracy and Nabi" Emily said

"hey I wanna play with Nabi too~" Kevin said

"We'll be teaching her Kevin besides she'll be more comfortable with us girls " Vera responded

"yay~! I'll treat you like my big sister! " Tracy claimed as she hugs Nabi's arm

"whoa there okay? " Nabi said and smiled as she pinched Tracy's cheeks

"so precious " Fiona said at the sight

"alright shall we? " Emily said as she pulls Nabi's other arm and let her to the gate

"okay let's do this" Vera said as they entered the gate

They were immediately transported to arms factory and got separated all around the map. Nabi ended up inside a small factory with machineries around looking around she looked out the window and saw a cipher machine just behind the building.

She vaulted on the window and started to type on the ciphers

Hearing the sounds Nabi stopped a bit and covered her ears for a few seconds, inhaling deeply before continuing

"easy peasy" she mumbled brushing off the uneasiness she's feeling.

Her heart started to beat loudly but she still continued to decode.

"what do we have here~" she heard a male husky voice that made her yelp failing a calibration which gave her a shock.

She saw a tall slender figure with a mask on and sharp blades on his fingers which serves as claws

'this must be the hunter' Nabi thought

'what should I do? ' she asked herself as she remembered Emily's words to avoid the hunter as much as possible

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