Mystery: The new survivor

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© to cookieluvsu123 on the baking part ùwú idk how you figure out that Nabi can bake.


After the day of the beach all the participants went to their respective places. Well except Jack and Naib. You know what's gonna happen.

At the survivors Manor the other survivors were fast asleep, they didn't need to bother waking up early since they still have a day off from the game.

It was around 3 AM when Nabi's door slowly opened. She was wearing her usual shorts and a loose sleeveless shirt with the shoulder strap hanging loose revealing the strap of her bra.

Her hair was messy as she rubs her eyes while walking down the stairs going to the kitchen. She then washed her face and wiped it with a towel then wore an apron.

"hmmm~" she hummed as she prepared her utensils for baking.

She sifted the flour, baking powder, cocoa powder, sugar and a bit of salt. Then she made a well in the middle of the mix adding 4 eggs, melted butter, 2 tablespoons of oil and Vanilla extract. She started to mix the ingredients and added chocolate chips while doing so.

She placed it on a pastry pipe(idk what you call it srry) then piped the right amount on the buttered pans before placing them in the oven to bake.

She sat on the table waiting for the cookies. She was still drowsy and almost fell asleep again when she heard a 'hoot'.

She looked around where the sound came from and her eyes landed on the window.

Hoot hoot

She heard again this time she saw an owl landing on the open window. The owl looked nothing like ordinary.

She went closer to it and tried to pet it when the owl voluntarily rubbed it's head on Nabi's palm.

"hello there little guy, are you lost? " she said as she smiled and opened up her palm as the owl gently climbed on it.

She placed the owl on the table before checking the cookies.

"a few more minutes" she said as she hears the owl Hoot again.

She was playing with the owl when she heard a knock on the door.

"hmm? Who could it be this early? " she asked herself

" stay here little one I'll go check the door" she said before leaving the table and going to the front door.

"who is it? " she asked but there was no response so she decided to open the door and was greeted by a man slightly taller than her he had a lean build with a peach skin tone. He has brown messy hair. Two streaks of black paint run down his face that resembles a tear streak. He wears a black robe that is held up by a large brown belt that has two small satchels attached to it. And a navy blue hood that is wrapped around his shoulders. He also wears a pair of black and brown gloves and a pair of black shoes. The man also wears a black blindfold that covers his eyes and has an ouroboros symbol embedded in it.

"May I help you? " Nabi asked gently

"Yes, you see I'm looking for an owl" the man spoke in a mild tone.

She noticed the symbol and it looked the same as the one the owl had in the kitchen.

"oh! I found it let me get it for you" she said snapping out of her thoughts as she turns around to get the owl and the owl was flying just behind her which made her yelp and step back tripping on her own feet falling backwards.

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