Freddy x Leo

686 17 16

A/N: this will be short. Apologies for the delay


Normal day normal match, the survivors participating on the last match of the day were preparing themselves to whoever the hunter may be.

That late afternoon it was Freddy, Vera, Emily and Lucky.

They were discussing at the lobby about the strategies they will use against certain hunters.

"For Jack make sure to drop the pallet in advance so he can't hit you with foggy blades, also don't go behind thin walls, the blades go through" Emily said as the others nod to show they were listening.

"For Violetta make sure you don't kite on the same spot or else she's just gonna build a web of nests around you"

"When Joseph uses his camera go to your nearest team mate and decode together, if possible hit all perfect calibrations"

She continued then they blanked out.

The sound of shattering glass was heard as the participating survivors woke up in the Arms factory.

As soon as the match started everyone started to decode.

Freddy was placed in the small factory, Emily was placed in the small hut, Lucky was placed on the ruins just near Emily and Vera was placed in the middle ruins.

At 30% progress Freddy heard pallets dropping down and his heart slightly beating faster.

Vera was then hit revealing the hunter. Hell Ember, Leo. Then Vera reverted back to full health.

95% Vera got terror shocked at the ruins just near the factory but Leo decided to take Vera to the basement. Luckily Freddy just finished his cipher just in time before Leo could see him.

He crouched then vaulted out the window so it won't alert Leo, but since he was the closest he would be the one to try and rescue.

The match continued with one gate open, Vera and Lucky sent to the Manor, Freddy on the other side of the map where the exit gate isn't open and Emily already escaped.

He was limping and trying to juke Leo but alas Leo had learned their tricks and soon terror shocked Freddy when he vaulted a window on the factory.

Freddy's vision was spinning around but he managed to heave a sigh as Leo tied balloons on him. He struggled though he knew it was futile but he refused to surrender.

Leo took him to the basement and dropped him there Infront of the chair as Leo sat in front of him.

For a while even though Leo wasn't the hunter he had been observing Freddy throughout matches he was involved in.

But one match caught his eyes. A match where Freddy, Kreacher, Emily and his daughter Emma was in.

The hunter was Violetta and he didn't understand that why, a weak man like him tried his all to save and rescue the other three. Even body blocked Emma just so she could escape even by means of him being sent back to the manor. He knew Emma was Leo's daughter but confused as to why he would do such.

Leo heaved a deep sigh and spoke

"why... "

Freddy lifted his head slightly and looked at Leo as their eyes met.

"why what? " he softly mumbled

"why are you trying so hard "

Freddy looked down

"I guess... It's my form of repenting for my mistakes... "

It seems Freddy was punishing himself through the game. Even though he knew there would be consequences if he kept on loosing or being sent to the manor.

Leo inhaled deeply and knelt before the incapacitated lawyer Infront of him.

He was a bit hesitant and Freddy shutted his eyes and waited for impact when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Look, holding onto the past won't change anything... "

"were so caught up with it that we can't see what's up ahead. Everyone makes mistakes but what can we do if it's already done and some, permanent damage are made and cannot be repaired. We could only move on. " Leo spoke sincerely

" I... " Freddy could only mutter as Leo spoke again

"I forgive you. And you should forgive yourself. Let's not focus on the past, let's not focus on repairing the permanent damages it had caused. Instead let's make a better present for the future. Kinda doesn't make sense but it sorta does at the same time"

Freddy nodded in agreement as Leo held out his hand

"friends? "


With that she shook their hands as Leo ballooned Freddy and took him to the dungeon.

"though I would still suggest you trying your best, but also try to win next time" Leo said as he places Freddy on the dungeon

"I'll see you at the matches, and, take care of my daughter for me" Leo mumbled the last words silently but Freddy still heard it and nodded before smiling at Leo and jumping down the dungeon.

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