02 - Wailing Winds

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A brisk wind ruffled Scott's unruly hair, pushing jet black strands in front of his eyes as he ran. Layers of fallen leaves under his feet made the forrest ground slippery, sticking to the soles of his old sneakers and painting them a dirty brown. He stepped into a puddle and splatters of mud decorated his jeans, some reaching the hem of his sweater. He didn't stop to assess the damage done to his clothes (he usually did that to try and predict the extent of his mother's wrath), his legs not even slowing down.

Scott was running in the woods where he had run so many times before, but this time he wasn't trying to escape a deadly predator - these days were over. No, it was Allison's parents that he was running away from, escaping their house before they were back and saw him with their daughter when they had clearly told him never to approach her again.

Instantly, thinking of Allison made him smile. To say he was glad to have her back would be the understatement of the century, and he had been utterly incapable of keeping her out of his thoughts ever since she had kissed him, that night in the woods. There had been hardships, fears and violence after that, and deep worries, but thoughts of Allison were always somewhere in his head like the warm, comforting light of a campfire. 

He couldn't get her out of his head and he was perfectly fine with it, and soon enough, it was as if he was running through the tall trees with his eyes closed, the image of the woods replaced with images of Allison. It was only when he almost collided with a sturdy-looking trunk that Scott shook his head and finally, gave a thought to where he was actually going. 

Sniffing the air, he tried to understand where he was so that he didn't have to admit he was lost and call Stiles to come pick him up. The heavy scent of earth was easy to pick up on, and Scott focused to decipher it, to identify the more subtle touches of aroma in the air. Pine needles, then asphalt and gasoline - he was close to a road. His nose guided him towards it and he knew he would reach the edge of the trees soon, and he would see the city spread before his eyes.

He was focusing on hearing the distant clamor of the city when a much louder sound pierced his eardrums, drilling into deep into his skull - a scream, coming from somewhere on his left. Instantly, Scott was running again. The scream echoed in his head, a wordless shout in a voice he knew all too well. Lydia was awake, and she was in danger.

Dread crept up in his chest, spreading through his skin and coursing his veins like a disease. The faces of Lydia and Jamie flashed before his eyes and he sped up, rushing through the trees then through the white corridors that smelled of disinfectant, his muscles burning with each thrust. Familiar scents tickled his nose and he followed them, leading him to the patient's wings. One last turn and Scott was in the vast hall, his eyes locking on Jamie's silhouette, heavily leaning against the wall, legs shaky and weak as he struggled to remain standing. 

Between leaning against a hard wall and being crushed between Scott's arms, Jamie couldn't decide what felt worse. 

The bear hug lasted far too long for Jamie's taste but while his mind protested, his body welcomed the warm support. His legs gave out, leaving Scott to carry all his weight, his arms easily supporting him as if he weighted no more than a feather. His face slammed against Scott's shoulder, his head spinning, Jamie wasn't sure what was going on around him. There was movement, cries of emergency, people running past him, more and more sounds that made him bury his head deeper into Scott's sweater, hoping hit would make the noises stop. 

His friend was talking but Jamie couldn't decipher the sounds, the ringing in his ears erasing all trace of meaning. Scott's hold suddenly tightened and they were moving away from the chaos, to a place that seemed almost quiet once the door was shut.

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