16 - Killer Ride

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"Listen," Stiles deadpanned, his expression unamused. "We can't help anyone without the Jeep, so you're going to move your little werewolf ass and help me. Am I clear?"

Jamie groaned in reply, silently cursing Stiles for pulling him out of the comfort of his home at such an ungodly hour just for Roscoe. He shot a longing look at his steaming thermos and gently sealed it shut. He had a strong feeling he was about to need a vast amount of caffeine to survive the morning.

"I have a car too, remember?" Jamie yawned in reply, covering his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Yeah, that's why I need you to drive me there! Would you just..." Stiles stammered, pinching the bridge of his nose. His scent was heavily laced with frustration.

"Okay, okay! Just... don't break anything," Jamie begrudgingly agreed.

Stiles made a fist pump and followed his friend to the old Toyota that awaited them in the Tate farm driveway, sitting in the passenger seat the moment the doors unlocked. The car smelled faintly of dust, with a subtle hint of blood that lingered in the air. Jamie immediately opened his window to disperse it, the scene of driving Scott back to his house the day before as he slowly healed replaying inside his head. Other than that, Jamie could barely remember the last time he had used his car. He had started going everywhere on foot, lately. Possessing supernatural speed had definitely factored in this slight change of lifestyle.

The car sputtered to life and Jamie followed Stiles' impatient instructions until they reached their destination, a run-down garage hidden away in a back street of the city center. A blue and white billboard on the side of the road read "Armor Tire & Service Center," the sign so large that it was nearly impossible to miss. Stiles clasped his hands together and could barely hide how excited he was. Roscoe had been in the shop for less than a day, recovering from Erica's hateful attack, but he already missed his dear Jeep terribly.

"Just stand there and look intimidating, okay?" Stiles instructed his friend, hand already on the door that led to the inside of the shop. "This guy has a tendency to overcharge."

Jamie wordlessly nodded and followed Stiles inside, his trusty thermos in hand. He let Stiles hurry to Roscoe's side, inspecting the Jeep from every angle and talking animatedly to a man in his late twenties. The man's grey uniform was covered in grease and let no room for doubt as to his identity. The mechanic's name tag read "Tucker" and putting the uniform aside, his expertly styled hair and well-defined jaw made him seem like he came straight out of a perfume commercial.

Stiles and Tucker's conversation was lively to say the least. Jamie thought better than to intervene, instead savoring the long-awaited delight sealed inside his thermos. The strong taste of coffee instantly lifted his spirits, chasing away the last remnants of sleepiness. He was quick to hide the thermos away inside his backpack after he was done, as he wasn't certain that drinking this much coffee fit very well with the intimidating image Stiles had asked him to pull.

The Jeep had been put on a platform and lifted, so that Stiles could see every part under it that he had ever repaired. He tried not to blush in embarrassment when he saw the mechanic point at the unholy amount of duct tape that held some parts together. The man was proving true to his reputation and immediately started suggesting additional repairs, arguing that he couldn't allow a young man like Stiles to go out in the world driving a vehicle that threatened to fall apart at the slightest bump in the road. It was all for Stiles' benefit, of course, but it sure did come with the undeniable advantage of a higher price tag. When Tucker gave him the small piece of paper that listed all the repairs he already had done and the supplementary ones he had planned, Stiles did a double take.

"Jamie?" Stiles called, breaking Jamie away from his fascinated contemplation of a nearby poster. Stiles pointed at something on the invoice the mechanic had just given him. "Is it just me or are there way too many zeros on this thing?"

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