Trouble on the first day?

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Dad:guys lets go your going to be late.

All:coming dad!

Mom:guys got you lunches and your ready to go.

Dad:bye baby girl.


In the car

Dad:the things y'all did last year ain't gonna fly this year like the disrespect and fighting better not happen this year because I'm gonna whoop some ass like I did last year I don't mind doing it this year you got me.

Kids:yes sir

Dad:good now go love you.

In school:

Lexi:okay so we all meet right back here at the end of the day.


Amiya class:

Teach:amiya Morgan!


After a while I spot my best friend Gina.


Her:Amiya omg hey what's up.

Me:nothing I don't like this class already.

Her: me neither.

Me: but my dad already gave her his phone number so whatever I do she can just call and he'll be here.

Me: but guess what?

Her: what?
Both: I don't care!

We laugh loud

Teacher:could you both shut up i'm trying to take attendance!

Me: since you want to yell no no bitch.

Teach: i'm calling your father.

Me: go ahead see if I care.

Teach: I am yes this is her teacher I just wanted to let you know that I am your daughter decided to act up today and call me a bitch and I just want to verify that with you just to make sure that this doesn't happen again because she can get suspended for it I just tried to call you instead of sending her upstairs were she might get suspended so I just wanted to let you know what happened and hopefully you'll take care of it thank you so much bye-bye.


Dad:AMIYA Miracle Morgan get your butt down here now!

I knew I was in for it now

Me: Yes sir

Dad: why did I get a call from your school saying that you decide to call A day teacher the B word?

Me: because she was being rude to me she was yelling at me telling me to stop being so loud and to shut up because you're taking attendance as if I cared.

Dad:on the first day seriously your day could have gone very very well.

Dad: but now you're going to go in my closet you can get my belt and we will take care of this today before you do that let me tell you something little girl if you ever disrespected you like that again this book and that you're about to receive will feel like nothing compared to what I'll do to you next time u got me.

Me:yes sir.

I went to his closet and got the belt I Just knew that by the time he's done I'm not gonna be able to sit down again.

Dad:over now!

Dad: smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack.....

Me: daddy please I'm sorry I won't do it again and I promise please stop stop! (I said as I put my hand to cover my behind).

Dad: move your hand Amiya!

I didn't

Dad: AMIYAmiracle Morgan move that hand now move it I'm not gonna ask you again!

I did

Dad: smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack times 5 more.

Dad: get up.

Dad: am I ever going to hear that you decided to cuss out a teacher again Or be disrespectful.

Me:no daddy.

Dad: good because if I do remember what I told you I was going to do now give me a hug I love you.

Me: I love you to dad.

Mom: guys let's get ready for dinner.


The end😎😎😎.

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