Lexis Parent teacher conference?!

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Morgan p.o.v
So today is lexis parent teacher conference I'm a little scared because I know that she is not doing well in school but after school I got a surprise for her behind.

Dad:Girls lets go! (I yelled from the bottom of the stairs)


                                                    In car
Dad:Lexi after school I got to meet with your teacher and if I were you I would be smart not to act up cause your report card does not look good you got me?

Me: yes sir.

Dad: good.bye have a good day.

Lexi:bye love you daddy.

                                                                                                               After school
Me: where is daddy at?

Jayden: I don't know but you better enjoy the time you got because when he get here you ass is grass.

They laugh

Me: keep laughing but that report card you got will coast you.

When I said that he walked in.

Dad: you ready.

Mom:good lets go.

Mom: Morgan I'm gonna take them home and you can go with her.

Dad: Jaden what do you think you're going get your little butt back over here you think I forgot about the report card no I did not.



Me:I told you you was going to get in trouble.

Teach:hey Mr. Morgan and hi Lexi.

Dad: hi.

Teach: so let's begin so to start off with is her grade in this class she has an F The reason why is because one she talks to much she has an attitude and she doesn't turn in any of homework so that is what's happening right now in this class also she has been skipping classes as well like she'll be there for half the day but she won't come to seventh or eighth period.

Dad: oh so you think it's OK to skip.

Me: no it's just because class is boring I don't wanna be here.

Dad: you don't have a choice to come to this class you need to come to this class I don't send you  to school to talk and to skip I send you to school to learn.

Me:yes sir.

Dad: now let me ask you this how many times have you skipped and don't lie to me because the situation that you're in right now lying will not help you at all.

Me: once or  twice.

Teach: it is been more than once or twice.

Dad: how many times Lexi tell me and tell me now before I lose it.

I did not say anything

Dad: So now you can't talk.

Me: it's only been like 10 or 11 times that's it.


Teach: that's it thank you so much for coming soon and see you tomorrow Lexi.

Dad: no problem.

At home

Dad: come here Lexi

Me:no daddy please not the belt I won't skip class ever again I promis you daddy just not t t the belt.

Dad:you don't get a choice.

Dad: let's go!

Dad: smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack  daddy stop please  please please  smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack.

Dad: am I ever going to hear that  skipping class again because if I do I will not hesitate to do this again do you understand?

Me:y y yes s s sir.

Dad:good give me hug and get ready for dinner.

The end

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