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  I finally found the stage after looking for hours... Ok, 15 minutes, but it felt longer. I started to think if this was really worth it. Exo was dancing on the stage and a lot of people were hustling around, getting the stage ready. Observing the members in Exo, it seems that the rude guy named Jonjin was the best dancer, since he was almost always in the front. Chen on the other hand, well let's just say he wasn't in the front. The music was very muffled because they had a tiny old boombox on the stage, playing the music. From what I've heard, it's their new "hit" called "Overdose"

  Looking around, the place was huge. Although the stage was small, there was plenty of room for fans to stand. There was a bunch of staff who didn't even seem to question why I was here. In fact it even seemed like I was supposed to be here. But hey, if I worked here, I wouldn't be questioning a girl that had a pass and a straight face like mine anyway.

  Probably the only reason why nobody cared to confront me is that I wasn't fangirling at all. Interested, but not fangirling. I looked back at Exo and started unconsciously twisting my hair with two fingers. Maybe Exo wasn't so bad? The main reason I hate them is because their fangirls are a bazillion light-years away from normal. I didn't want to become obsessed, I have a future. "Instead of fangirling over a group you'll never meet, why don't you do something that will progress you in life?" my mom would always snap at me whenever I found a new Kpop group I liked.

  I used to live in the states, but both of my parents are from Korea, so we just moved back when I was 9. English is no problem with me, but I am not as good at Korean then my parents. The only person in our family that doesn't speak English is my little brother, he was born in Korea.

  "Alright! Take a break, we'll see you guys in an hour!" A man shouted out to Exo. The music stopped and all that was left was people's voices- mostly Exo's. As they jumped off the stage, Jonjin spotted me and gave me a scowl. I smiled slightly and shrugged at him, even though it hurt on the inside to be practiacally hated by someone. Why was he even mad at me? Because I don't like Exo? What a jerk.

As the idols retreated to a pile of bags 

  "Ugh, who took my water bottle?!"

  "Where's my bag?! It's brand new!"

  "Is anybody missing a their socks?!"

  "My deodorant. Where the hell is it?!"

  "I call the shower!"

  "Did someone steal my snacks again?!"

  "My eyeliner! I left it open and it spilled!"

  Well, now I can give you a good reason why I avoid Exo.

  Chen hopped off the stage, saw me and smiled. Before he walked over to me, he picked up his bag from the ground and picked up a slip of paper from a nearby fold-out table- the ticket.

  "Hello Eun Mi!" Chen greeted me. "I got the ticket for you!" He handed me the ticket.

  "Thank-you Jongdae-ssi!" I thanked him.

  "Ahh, you can drop the 'ssi'. We're friends, arn't we?" He nudged me with his shoulder. "If you want to, you can use ah."

  "Haha, yeaahh." I scratched the back of my head.

  "I can't wait to see you at the concert. Well, maybe I won't see you, but you'll definitely see me." He teased. "If you want, you can keep the pass and come in whenever you want. We're practicing every day until next week. We're here from 8 am to 9 pm. On concert days we'll be here for however long the concert will be." He offered.

  "That would be great. I'd much rather be here than my home."

   "Ah, family problems?"

  "... Yeah." I was slightly embarrassed about admitting the problems in our household to an idol. Especially an idol in a group as popular as Exo.

    "It's ok." Chen noticed the look on my face. "My parents didn't want me to sing. They thought it wasn't my destiny or something." 

    "Hah, serious? There's thousands of fans wrapping around the building waiting for you... and the rest of the group, of course. This was obviously meant for you!" I nudged him with my elbow. "Exo wouldn't be the same without you!"

    "Wow, I'm impressed." Chen laughed at me. "And this is coming from an anti-fan!"

    He's right, what am I doing? I don't even know half of the songs from Exo! I couldn't even tell you any of the member's names, exept for Jongdae and Jonjin, of course. Well, I knew a few of their names, it's just I couldn't match a face with any of them.

    I chuckled along with Jongdae just to make it less awkward.

    "Well, you probably want to enjoy your free time, I will talk to you next time!" I smiled at him as I held the ticket up. "Thanks for the ticket again!"

    "Goodbye Eun Mi!" He grinned and took a big gulp of water from his water bottle I hadn't noticed he had in his hand.

    "Bye, Jongdae-ssi... I mean Jongdae-ah!" I rubbed the back of my neck and waved a goodbye to him as he walked back to the rest of the group.

    Eun Mi, what are you doing to yourself? I thought as I turned around and started walking to the exit. I looked down at the ticket and frowned. Eun Mi, why did you have to fall in love?



Heya guys! Wassup?

So Eun Mi's in love, if you have the memory of a goldfish. Random fun fact; goldfish actually remember things for quiet a while.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed! I'm going to start working on some of the fanfictions I have one chapter in, so sorry if I update this slow.

I changed the cover, just in case you haven't noticed. The cover pretty much displays the characters that are going to make the most appearances.

Have a great day! :D

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