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"-Eagon overdose!"

The music ended and one of the Exo members did a flip across the stage. The whole crowd went freaking wild as he winked to the crowd and ruffled his own sweaty hair.

"OMO EUN MII!" Cho Hee looked like she was having a seizure and she grabbed my arm very tight. I rolled my eyes and continued to watch the Exo members scramble across the stage. Cho Hee had a face mask on over her mouth so no one around would catch what she had.

"Stop pushing!" I spun my head around and scowled at one of the fangirls. Even though I knew she could hear me, she continued to push Cho Hee and I.

I scoffed and looked back up to the stage as one of the boys started talking. All the boys were very sweaty, why would they even want to do this to themselves?

"Hello everyone!" He flashed a smile and the croud screamed even louder. I didn't really pay attention to what he wa saying because all I could think of was his odd resemblance to a hamster. Well, even if I tried I bet I could never hear what he was saying.

"We're just getting started!" The member's voice pierced my thoughts. "Are you ready to have a good time?" He asked and the crowd cheered.

Just getting started? Aish, this is going to be a long night.

> > >

It was a quiet place, I couldn't imagine all the people that were here last night. It was a mess! But now, it is clean and near empty. Other than the huge stage in the middle and a few of the staffs that were preparing the place for yet another preformance tonight. I smiled to myself as I sat down criss-cross and took the backpack off my back. This was the perfect place to do school work. So quiet.

As I pulled out my mathmatics book (groan) I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. I looked behind me to see Jongdae sitting down next to me.

"Hey." He smiled. His lip tail curved up in a cute way. Honestly, I could admire him all day. "So, what did you think of the preformance last night?"

"Uh, it was alright." I replied. But, I actually didn't pay that much attention. "Kind of hard to enjoy with all the fans shoving and screaming."

"Understood." He nodded. "Although, I don't really know what that feels like..."

"Yeah, if you're in a crowd of fans, most likely those fans are your fans and you're the center of attention." I shrugged. "Which wouldn't make you in the crowd it'd put you out of it as the hail point. Which means there's no probability that you know what I felt like last night."

Jongdae raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "You like to compicate things, don't you?" He poked my sides. My back shrivled up and I gasped.

"Don't do that, it tickles!" I chuckled. Jongdae had the look in his eye, I saw it coming, but I couldn't do anything about it. "Don't you-"

Jongdae started tickling my sides up and down. I shrivled up and fell over to my side, laughing uncontrollably.

"S-stop!.. Stop... please!" I said between laughs. It wasn't really convincing though. He ignored my begs and continued tickling me like I was some kind of two year old. By this time I was completely out of breath and in the tightest ball I could make.

"The PDA. It burns." A boy said that sounded not to far away Jongdae stopped and I sat back up to be greeted with a tall boy with a very young face. His large eyes were looking right at us.

"Hey, Luhan. This is Eun Mi, we met at the airport. Eun Mi, this is Luhan." Jongdae introduced us.

"Hello Luhan."

"Yeah, hey." He nodded. "Say, Jongdae... they're asking for you in the practice room. Exo-k just got done."

Jongdae let out a huff. "Fine." He muttered as he got up. "Talk to you later, Eun mi!" He waved as him and Luhan started walking away.

I continued to do my mathmatics. When will I ever use this in real life? Calculators are faster and easier anyway...

"Hello." A voice came from above me I looked up to see the other boy I met at the airport... Ugh, what's is name? "Oh, it's you." He rolled his eyes.

"Excuse me?"

"Well, the way your hair was covering your face while you were looking down made the illousion that you were pretty." He told me. "Is that math? It looks easy. How old are you anyway?"

"Just go away J..." I pondered his name for a few seconds. "... Zinzin?" I asked he threw his head back and laughed.

"Stupid girl." He called me. "My name's Jonjin."

"I like Zinzin better." I giggled. "It's Japanese for a internal pain. Like you." I smiled innocently.

"Nice one." He scoffed. "Are you Japanese or something?"

"Nope." I shook my head. "I wish I was, then I'd get away from zinzins like you." I picked up my book, put it in my backpack and swung it over my shoulder. "Goodbye Jon-whatever." I waved as I stood up and walked away. 

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