Riya Meeting Moon

30 7 5

[This is written by Riya]

When the bell we all came and sat on the floor. There were colourful orange and purple little seats to sit on there. I chose to find anywhere to sit down. The teacher said to go into groups and introduce ourselves... That was horrifying. I went into a group, the teacher said to say our name, birthday and favourite food. I did NOT want my turn to come. I also didn't have a favourite food...

Everyone had their turn, then it was my turn. I said my name and birthday then when the food came... I was thinking so hard about it then a girl said one of the food that everyone else was picking so I just nodded. So I didn't have to speak. After the group talk thing, we all got together as a class again. 

When interval was about to come we all stood up to do the karakia. I saw this girl who was quieter than the rest she seemed like a nice girl, I thought that I could become friends with her it was Moon. I went next to her and just stood there. Then after a while of standing next to her, I decided to talk to her. We started talking a bit, I was asking all the questions (I'm pretty sure?). We talked the whole interval and lunch. I was with her the entire day. 

When I got home I was happy that I had made a friend.

[ Moon Editing: Riya, I do not think you asked me TOO many questions...It was one question I think. You asked me if u want to have morning tea with me??? I remember that and how I didn't even know what morning tea was...lol]

To Be Continued...

To Be Continued

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