.....who am i.....

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My name is Lucas I'm a official member of the ottersquad I have survived the war, making it official always like cythe said. You don't make it you're dead.


"im..  Ngh trying pops...."

My dad always pushed me to be the 'best' well at least in his eyes of the words best. He wanted me to carry on after him. To be the next man and carry on life in Antarctica and survive,  make love with the other family sent here and start the new generation! If I ever asked him why not train Bradley instead of scrawny old me. He always would say "his head is a mind of idiotic music" Meaning emo and took after his uncle with his dark attitude and hair(witch was the same as dads) and not him mean while he thought sense I took after mom with her white hair and body shape with somthing different Beetween my legs and a flatter chest and dad with his dark hair and face and he said I had more power in me. If I said why not Lilly he'd say she's a girl and that I need to stay away from her... I'll never be the douche he is.. Never.


"Their you go honey do you like it?"

"Yea just I thought you said you'd make my hair like you'res..  Long and pretty"

"I know but dad wants you're hair like this ok sweetheart"

I look at my self in the mirror. All my white hair like moms...  Shaved off then the little black floof on my head un shaved...

My mom kisses me on the head

"Any night terrors this past week? "

"No,  well not that I know of."

"That's good"

My mom rubbed her hand on my head and scratched my snow tiger ears.  I stood up gave her a hug then left into my room that I shared with brads. 

"Aw,  man I wish I had a demon posseing me.."

"No you don't its horrible" I replied

"Uhg,  you're no fun" He groaned "alright ima see whats up with Lilly byeee" I said getting up and walking into the hallway and turning to Lilly to see her playing with Barbie dolls
"Hey lills-"
"Oh hey lucas"
"Whatcha doin?" I asked sitting down next to her and grabbing a doll admireing each of its tiny details
"Wanna join? " She asked with a bright smile "why wouldn't I? " For a 5 yr.  Old I wasn't smart..... And her being 4 diddnt help Ethier


"He's here run! " Lilly started tearing up as she spoke so I dropped the Barbie and ran to the door way about to leave, dad stopped me... He pushed me back and punched me in the gut..  "DAD NO!! DON'T DO THIS TO HIM IT'S NOT HIS FALT!! PUNISH ME INSTEAD!! " Lilly screamed as I was knocked into the bed "PUNISH YOU INSTEAD DAMN WHY THE HELL WOULD I RUFF UP MY PROPERTY! " dad said as he kicked the Barbie set across the room and backing her up in the corner "LILLY NO," I shout trying to desperately get up the
I see her weak body flop to the ground helplessly the tears that we're once poring down her face stop and her face turns dull and pale as blood leaks out her mouth... "LILLY" I cry struggling as I drag myself over to her body I sit up and prop her up as my mom rushes in, I go to put my head against hers then get dragged out the door by the caller of my sweater by my dad
"MICALES JONES HAVEN'T YOU DONE ENOUGH?" my mom shouts as she tends to Lilly. my dad throws me over the railing making me hit the ground hard, knocking the breath out of me as he grabs a knife and slashes a a scar across my eye then throws be out side for the rest of the night. The cold, dark night. then I had time to think, Who am I? Whenever I went to sleep I diddnt feel good

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