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I can hear my flesh screaming to get out of this skin,
My tears falling out of my eyes because they have had enough,
My heart thumping so hard, the chest offers scarce space for it to beat,
Rage burns deep within me like a coal so hot,
A feeling of a thousand arrows piercing my vulnerable heart reminds me that life has become an ugly night mare that I can't get up from.
My hands are not enough to shield me from the shame of knowing I am vulnerable,
Music that I once loved seems like it all changed into loud clanging in my ears to torture me.
It only reminds me that I am alone,  after all this time I spent running... I am alone.
I can hear the sound of lies whisper the" I love  you's", and I know they're lying.
I know they only love me for what I can give and therefore love what I can give, not I.
I see the hatred displayed in their eyes tasty like candy yet their smile try to hide what can be hidden not.
I smell betrayal in their perfume, my mind warns me not to trust anyone,
And even though my heart complains I still should stay,
Because maybe they can learn to love me... maybe not.

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