Tournament part one

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It was a normal Saturday in the dorm room.

Ruby was attempting to teach Yang how to bake.
Blake was reading and Weiss was explaining about an upcoming tournament to Midas.

Weiss: Students from Beacon fight students from Atlas to see which school has better training.

Midas: When is this tournament?

Weiss in about a week, but we still have to ask Ozpin if you'll be fighting or not.
I can't right now because I have to leave for some business stuff.
Hey Blake?

Blake: yeah?

Weiss: Can you take Midas to Ozpins office to figure out if he's fighting or not?

Blake: Shouldn't someone stay here to make sure that Yang doesn't blow something up?


Yang: Too late!

Blake: Fine, Lets go.

At Ozpins office

Ozpin was sipping from his signature coffee mug while having a conversation with his friend General Ironwood.

Ironwood: Bringing the fleet here makes the the citizens feel safe!

Ozpin:It makes them feel in danger-
He was interrupted by knocking at the door.
Ozpin: Come in.

Ironwood: Think about what I said.

Blake walked in and Midas followed ducking to get in.
"Yes?" Ozpin asked.
Blake: "We were wonder if Midas will be fighting in the upcoming tournament."

Ozpin: "Yes, He will be. He is a student after all."

Time skip

Midas was watching students from Beacon and Atlas fight each other while waiting for his turn. He could here the people whisper among themselves about the robot standing there with them.
"Why is there a paladin Knight here?"
"I don't know, maybe they're expecting a Grimm attack."
Midas listened until his name was finally called to go up.
As he made his we up he saw the team he was fighting do the same. Two of the team members stood out.
A guy with a trumpet and a very colourful cat Faunus on roller skates.

Midas wasted no time in charging at the students. One of the students made the awful decision to charge back, before he could even get his weapon ready, Midas sent a punch launching him across the arena and right over the boundary line. The Atlas student was forced to leave the fight.

Neon Cat to Trumpet guy: "This robot is pretty strong. Why are we fighting a robot again?"

Trumpet guy: "I don't know. They must be testing a new paladin knight or something."

The rollerblading cat Faunus skated quickly around Midas avoiding a punch while trumpet guy desperately blasted Midas with his trumpet which had no effect on him.
Midas booted the third team mate (I don't know the names) right into the trumpet guy. Bring both of their auras down while the cat Faunus continued to try and damage Midas in any way she can. She had no affect.
Midas gets tired of her and lifts his leg up only to bring it down hard on the cat Faunus, completely draining her aura as a result. Trumpet guy get furious at this and he and the other teammate with no other options left decide to charge Midas at the same time, both trying desperately to damage Midas in any way at all.
            The match ended quickly after that with Midas as the champion and many people in the crowd disappointed and excited at the result of the match.
Midas leaves the arena and is complimented by his roommates except for his "body to guard"(Weiss).

Yang: "Great match! You kicked ass!"

Ruby: "That was sooooo cool. How did you beat four students?!?"

Blake: "Yes, that was rather impressive."

Weiss:" Of course he's a decent fighter. He's MY bodyguard after all. He wouldn't still be here if he was bad at his job."

Soon after that team RWBY was called up to fight.

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