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"I'm not in the mood to speak of this right now, Joanna," my mother scolded.

"Firstly, it's Jo," I snapped back. She's aware of how much I despise my full name, "and you're never in the mood! Whenever I bring up my father you get all spacey. I'm seventeen years old. I'm turning eighteen tomorrow and I don't know a single thing about him. Not even a name! I don't have any memories, old toys, photographs, nothing. I deserve something."

She sighed, obviously annoyed with my persistence. She's acting as if I should feel bad about wanting to know about my father. However, he's never been a part of my life and he has obviously ignored my mother. But why? Did he leave? Did my mother end things between them? I had so many questions that she refused to answer.

"His name is... Zack," she breathed out.

"Zack," I smiled. Finally knowing the name of my father brought a warmth to conduct inside me, "Zack what?"

"That's enough," my mother muttered, picking up her magazine. I rolled my eyes, stomping my feet all the way back to my room.

I flopped down on my back, tumbling into my bed. The bed dipped, emerging me in a sea of blankets and pillows. Why was my mother so stubborn? I guess I know where I got it from.

Or maybe my father was stubborn. Maybe I got my personality from him. It makes me joyful thinking about my father and the qualities we both possess.

Tomorrow is my eighteenth birthday, and every day for the past three hundred and sixty four days, I have dreamed of receiving a letter from my father. Or a phone call. Or even a text. Anything that shows me he cares.

I check the time: 10:27 P.M. It's Thursday, however it's currently summer, so I don't have to worry about getting up for school tomorrow.

I go on my laptop, scrolling through all of my social media sites and watching a few YouTube videos. A yawn escapes my lips. I glanced down at the small clock at the bottom corner of my computer screen, reading that it's currently 1:22 A.M. I shut my laptop as I do my nightly routine and slip under my covers. Happy birthday to me

I'm awoken by a loud honk as my eyes shoot open, revealing my mother. In her mouth is a blowout, and in her hand is a cupcake with a lit candle in it.

"Happy birthday, Jo! You're finally eighteen!" She exclaims cheerfully.

I groan. "It's too early for you to be this excited."

"Well why aren't you excited? It is your birthday after all."

I shrug. "It's just a birthday. I don't feel any different."

She rolls her eyes. "Will you at least make a wish?"

I sighed, taking the cupcake from her grasp. I closed my eyes, searching my mind for the best wish I could make. A small smile tugged at my lips as I blew the candle out.

I wish my father would reach out to me.

My mother clapped, getting down onto my bed and hugging me tight. All of a sudden, I began to feel sick. My mother pulled away with worried eyes.

"Jo? Are you okay sweetie?" She asked, rubbing my back, "you don't look so good."

"I'm just not feeling well," I painfully smile. Once my words come out, I run to the bathroom, emptying the contents of my stomach into the toilet.

"Honey? Are you al-" I hear my mother call, but quickly stop once she enters the room, "oh no."

"What? Mom, what's wrong?" I ask, panicked. Her face is completely flushed, her pale skin gleaming with sweat.

"Why now? I thought that he wouldn't do this to me," she began, a single tear slipping down her cheek, "I thought that he would've let you go. You're too old to be claimed."

Claimed? What on earth does she mean by claimed?

"Mom, what the hell are you talking about?" I exclaimed, shaking. I looked down at my arms, seeing my skin glow a slight yellowish, "what the fuck is happening to me?"

She paced over to me, taking my hand and pulling me up. She led me to my bedroom, placing me to sit on the bed.

"You're being claimed."

"What the hell does that even mean?"

She paused, seeming as if she were going through the different ways on how to break the upcoming news to me, "Your father's name isn't Zack. It's... Zeus," she coughed, "You know, the God. Since you're the offspring of a God and a human, you are classified as a demigod. You have... Powers. And with those powers comes great responsibility. Now, if your father hadn't just claimed you, you could've lived your life without experiencing these powers. But now you must go to a camp that will help you train and learn to control your powers."

I sat there in disbelief, and I ended up laughing. "Wow mom, that was really good. I almost believed you there for a second."

She sat there, a serious tone etched across her face, "I'm being serious, Joanna."

My heart dropped. "You are? But-" I stopped, not knowing what to say, "that's so fucked up. I don't want to go."

"I don't want you to either. But when you're claimed, that's your father acknowledging you. It means that your time has come," she cried.

"What is this camp?"

"Camp Half Blood. It's where all of the demigods go to train. I suppose I'll have to take you tomorrow. So get packed," she said, sounding distant. I chuckled. I just found out that I'm the daughter of a God and I still have to have my mom drive me places.

"How do you know all of this?" I questioned her.

"Not important. Now get packed. Oh, and look above your head."

She exited the room, slamming the door behind her. I tilted me head up, noticing a bright shining lighting bolt above my head. I reached up to grab it, but got nothing. It's a hologram. It soon faded after I touched it as a note fell from nowhere. I picked it up, my hand slightly shaking. I pulled at the bright yellow ribbon tied around the letter as I unraveled it. The note simply said: "As you wished. x"

As I wished?

My birthday wish.

What did I just get myself into?



OOOOOOOOO she fucked up lol

so yeah i haven't read/watched Percy Jackson so don't worry this will be nothing like it

i only took "claiming" and "camp half blood" from it bc i've heard of it and i liked those ideas (at least i think they're from percy jackson idk like i said i've never read it) :-)

this was a starter chapter so don't worry this will get a lot more interesting

also: if any info is incorrect, it's probably just for the sake of the story. i'll probably change lots of things just so everything fits together :-)

hope you enjoy!

tumblr; vodkaclifford

- Shannon xox

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