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It was about 7 in the morning and I was exhausted. I had gotten no sleep the previous night because of what occurred that day.

My mother was currently in the driver seat, eyes focused on the road ahead. I was in the passenger seat beside her, my headphones blasting. How she knew where this location was confused me, but I decided not to test my luck on pushing her buttons. She was already on edge.

"How long will it take for us to get there?" I questioned.

"3 days," she replied shortly, "we're going to have to get hotels in between driving so I can rest."

I simply nodded my head, hoping she'll catch a glance of me doing so in her peripheral vision. I decided to use this time to get some sleep. I was currently exhausted. I slightly slouched in the seat, putting my head against the window. I shut my eyes, letting the lullaby soothe my ears into a deep sleep.

I woke up to my mother shaking me. "We're at the first hotel."

I sighed as I climbed out, grabbing my small bag. I had made a bag that consisted of a few basic needs such as a toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, etc. and a change of clothes, so it should be perfect for tonight. I should probably make one for each of the nights we stay in a hotel so I don't have to carry up a ton of items.

We stepped inside the hotel lobby where there was a large circle of couches and chairs and a small coffee table.

"Wait here while I check us in," my mother told me, pointing to one of the couches.

I made my way over and sat down, making myself comfortable. Since I slept the whole way here I found myself to be wide awake. I looked around the lobby, taking in every detail. My eyes landed upon a man. Tall, bearded, broad, muscular, and he just so happened to be staring at me. My eyes darted away from his gaze, and when I looked back moments later, he was gone.

I rid my head of the previous encounter once my mother called my name. I slowly stood up, cautious of my surroundings.

We stepped inside the elevator as my mom pressed the '3' button, meaning our room was on the 3rd floor. As if she were reading my mind, my mother said, "I got you your own room."

We weren't exactly the richest of people, so I didn't understand why she could afford all of this at once, but I didn't question it. Maybe she realized that she wouldn't have to take care of me any time soon.

I took the keycard that she was holding out for me as the elevator door slid open. We made our way out, having to pass a couple making their way into the elevator. I shuffled out of their way as I read my keycard. I was room 102.

I found my room, not looking to see which one my mother occupied as I slid the keycard into the slot on the door handle and waited for the light to turn green. Once it did, I hastily pulled the handle down and pushed the door open, revealing a large bed strewn with white fluffy sheets and pillows, a T.V. sitting on a large dresser, a small desk with a computer chair, a larger chair, and a small circle table in front of it. I walked over, placing my bag on the chair. I slid off my shorts, slipping on a pair of sweatpants because it was a good 30 degrees colder in this room than everywhere else. I kept my T-shirt on and finished my nightly routine.

Once I was completed, I grabbed my laptop out of my bag and set it on the desk. I plugged it into it's charger, and then connected the charger to the wall outlet. I flipped open my laptop and entered my password. This hotel offered free wifi if you checked in with multiple rooms, so thankfully I was able to use it.

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