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I opened the door and stepped out looking around before landing on Susie chomping down on something. Upon realization I find that it's chalk! She finishes her chalk and turns around, facing me. 

'uh oh'

She slowly starts walking towards me "so you saw that huh? You going to tell the teacher huh? Get me expelled? Wouldn't that be nice. " she pinned me against a locker a brought her face close to mine
"almost as nice as eating your face off" she said grinning darkly revealing a row of sharp teeth.  She brought her face so close to mine that I could feel her breath on my face.  Against the situation I could  feel  my face heat up.

'm-my face is hot... Wait am I blushing?! Crap,  nooo bad timeing bad situation noo'

I guess Susie saw my blush and leaned  back,  looking away "nah. " her cheeks were tinted a soft lavender. 

"look,  shortie let's just.. Go look for more chalk in the storage closet and forget about what happened".  She put me down and turned around.  "let's go. " she said as she started walking. 

I glance at the classroom then at Susie before following behind her.

We stopped in front  if the storage closet  and looked at it,  then at eachother.  Susie chuckled nervously and opened the door,  pointing in

"ladies first....?"

I shook my head

"no way am I going in there!"  I took a step back,  Susie's sighed "fine,  we'll both go in on three" I hesitently nodded and looked at the door

"one... "

'maybe I can just run?.. '

"two... "

'nope bad idea maybe I could.. '



I felt a shove in my back and I fell inside the room,  susie followed behind me. I huffed annoyance in annoyance and walked inside.  The door slammed behind me causing me to jump.  I could see Susie nervously look at me then at the door. 

"m-maybe we should find a l-light switch  or.... Or something" I suggested nervously, Susie nodded in agreement and we start looking for a light switch.

Papers started to fall from all around us and we started walking towards the center if the floor. 



The floor beneath us started disappearing and I instinctively grabbed Susie's arm and clenched my eyes close.

What was left of the solid floor was gone and I felt myself fall..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2018 ⏰

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"everyone can be good" Susie x reader (DELTARUNE)Where stories live. Discover now