Introductions Pt. 2

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{(A/N)- This will be longer}

My name is Kara Danvers. After five years in hell, I have come home with only one goal-- To save my city. Now I fight on two fronts. By day I lead the city as it's mayor, but by night I fight in the shadows along with others who have joined my crusade. To them I am Kara Danvers. But to the rest of Star City, I am someone else. I am something else. I am... the Blue Arrow.

8 years ago, when I was 18, I went on a yacht. I was with my dad, and Mike Matthews, the guy who I was cheating on my boyfriend with. The boat was called the Danvers' Gambit. But the boat capsized. Mike went under, it was me, my dad, and a crew member on a life boat. There was enough food and water for one person, maybe. My dad pulled out a gun. Shot the crew member, pulled the gun on himself, and he told me to survive and right all his wrongs. Then he shot himself in the head. There I was, stranded, then I saw... an island.

I discovered that the name of the island was Lian Yu. It means purgatory in Mandarin. On that island, I met people. Most were bad, but not all. But most of the good ones ended up dead. On the island, I met a man named Slade Wilson, I considered him a brother until... I'll get back to that. I also met a young man, his name was Adam Foster. Adam and Slade, along with a few others that I didn't meet on the island taught me everything I know. I was also reunited with Mike. He was on a boat with a man named Ivo. He wanted a super serum called Mirakuru. When Ivo pulled out a gun and told me to choose between Adam and Mike, I chose Mike. Adam died, and Adam was like a son to Slade. We had to inject Slade with the serum so he would live, but when he found out that I cold have saved Adam... he took out all his bottled up anger on me. I stopped him by stabbing him in the eye. Mike disappeared... again. I didn't spend the entirety of those 5 years on that island. But I started there, and I ended there. I eventually made it off the island.

When I came back I became the hood. I was killing. I didn't enjoy it but, I thought I had to do that to keep my secret. Then my mom hired me a body guard, His name was Clark Kent, but he likes being called Kent. At Danvers Consolidated, there was an IT, Winn Schott. He help me with tech problems even though I had the stupidest excuses. I told him my secret, sorta when I got shot and I jumped in his car. He became tech support, and Kent became my teammate as Spartan. I was constantly being hunted down by a cop, his name was John Jones. I still had a best friend, Lena Luthor. My ex too, James Olsen. I discovered that they were dating and I was okay with that. This was when I was the hood.

Then, the undertaking happened. It was controlled by Lionel Luthor, Lena's dad. James almost died. I decided that I couldn't do this and I, left. I went back to the island. Then, when my whole team decided to come to Lian Yu to bring me back and they succeeded. When I came back, I made a promise to myself, no more killing. To keep that promise, I could no longer be the hood. I had to be something different, something better. I had to be the Arrow.

As the Arrow, I made peace with Detective Jones. We worked together on occasions. I had to fight against Slade again. Mike came back. He was injected by the Mirakuru and got new powers and skills. I trained him and eventually he got very good. He became Arsenal. We got back together for some time. I am currently dating Winn. When I got poisoned, Winn made a CSI intern from Central City, Barry Allen save me which revealed my identity. I was furious, but I calmed down, I accepted it and me and Barry became good friends. He made me a mask. We found a way to stop Slade for good. Later, we faked Arrow's death to exonerate me. Alex my sister, was attacked so we had to save her in the Lazarus Pit. I join the League of Assassins and Alex joins Team Arrow, but the team gets captured. Barry saves them and I kill Ra's. Me and Winn retire and leave. When we come back, I again, have to be different. Since the Arrow is "dead", I become the Blue Arrow. My team and I battle and defeat Darhk and Chase.

I am the Blue Arrow... or the Sapphire Shooter!


Okay I'll admit, this was rushed but I needed to finish this, I'm sorry. Also the name sucks. "Sapphire Shooter"? Not my best. If you guys have better ideas vote and comment your idea below. Damn I feel like a youtuber... "Like and subscribe down below!" Well, back to the topic, So if you have ideas tell me. And as you know I'm keeping the colors but I couldn't find a blue "Green Arrow' suit so just imagine the"Green Arrow" suit that has sleeves, but blue. Well anyways, until next communion.

 Well anyways, until next communion

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