Chapter 1

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Barry's POV

Aliens. ALIENS! It was frickin' aliens. That weird ass ship the crashed in the middle of Central City was filled with aliens. And not aliens that looked like Oliver, oh no, the were frickin' monsters. I am with the team in the cortex waiting for Lyla. After what seems like hours of pacing, she walks in.

"You saw them?"

"Yeah. What are they?"

"They are called the dominators."

"How long have you known about them?"

"Since the 50's"

"Redmond, Oregon." Joe adds. "What? I watch si-fi"

"We need to do something."

"No. ARGUS will handle this."

With that she left.

"We're not gonna just do nothing are we?"


"Barry, you heard Lyla. You can't do this alone."

"I don't plan to."

I ran. I ran to Star City. To a certain archer. Kara Danvers.

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