Chapter 6: First Day

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"Izuku, stop moving around." "Sorry." Orion grumbled as he attempted to fix the mess that was Izuku's tie. Orion eventually gave up, "Let's just go. We can't be late." Izuku nodded. Orion was a bit cranky since he had been awake for almost two hours getting ready for the first day of school. Izuku grabbed his backpack and they started to head out. Inko asked, "Do you have your phones? Your handkerchiefs?" "Mom." they both said, "We're going to be late." Inko, "OK. Orion, Izuku."  They looked back at her. She said, "You two look really cool." They thanked her as they went to the train station.

When they arrived, Izuku stopped to admire the school once again. Orion sighed as he walked to class. He found the door labeled 1-A. He opened the door and looked around. He noticed Ida yelling at Bakugo and Kirishima and Kaminari. Ida then noticed Orion and approached him, "Oh, you. I am glad to see you again. I wanted to apologize for my rude behavior during the entrance exam explanation. It is clear that you had a better grasp on what was required of UA than I. I am Ida Tenya. Pleased to meet you." Orion sighed, "It's okay for now. You should be careful with what you say. Once you say something, the words can only be forgiven, never forgotten." "Midoriya!" Orion turned to see Kirishima and Kaminari smiling at him. Orion waved, causing the two boys to blush a little. Behind him, the door opened to reveal Izuku. Ida said, "It's you. The one who took down the zero pointer. I must apologize to you as well. Clearly, you understood that there was a hidden factor to the tests. I am Ida Tenya." Izuku stuttered, "I-i-i-it's okay. You already introduced yourself back at the exam." As he said that, the door opened to reveal Uraraka, "Oh, it's you. The curly haired boy. Oh, and you, the golden boy." Orion mumbled, "Golden boy?" Uraraka had begun telling Izuku how great he was to have destroyed the zero pointer with one punch when someone spoke behind them, "If you're here to make friends, then I suggest that you leave immediately." Everyone turned to the source of the noise to see a man in a yellow sleeping bag. They were all surprised, except Orion, who knew the man as Shota Aizawa, and underground hero named Eraser-head and a teacher at UA. Guess he's our homeroom teacher. thought Orion. Aizawa got out of his sleeping bag, "It took you all seven seconds to quiet down. You're not rational enough. You don't have time to waste. I'm Aizawa, I'll be your homeroom teacher. Put on these gym clothes and meet me outside." Aizawa pulled out the gym clothes and left. The students went to get changed. Izuku looked for Orion, but didn't see him.

As the students arrived to where Aizawa was, they noticed that Orion was already there wearing a long sleeve version of their gym clothes. Once everyone was there, Uraraka asked Aizawa, "Um, Mr. Aizawa. Shouldn't we be at orientation?" Aizawa said, "If you plan to be heroes, you don't have time for leisurely events. Now, pay attention. We're going to have a quirk apprehension test." The students shouted in outrage. "A test, on the first day." "I'm not ready." Aizawa said, "UA has a freestyle form of teaching That applies to us teachers as well. Softball throwing. The standing long jump. The fifty meter dash. Endurance running. Grip strength. Side-to-side stepping. Upper body training. Seated toe touch. You all did these in middle school, yes. The department of education forbid the use of quirks, trying to keep people looking equal. It's not rational." Orion thought Of course it's rational. Imagine if one of those student decided to become a villain. It would just create more chaos in the long run. God Aizawa, you're so stupid! Aizawa continued, "Midoriya." Izuku and Orion said, "Yes?" The class looked at them. Izuku began to blush nervously. Orion sighed, "My name is Orion Midoriya. This is my older brother Izuku Midoriya." The class stared at the two of them, confused by the fact how Orion could possibly be related to and younger than Izuku. Bakugo yelled, "What the hell???!?! Since when has fucking Deku had a younger brother? Are you trying to make my look like a fool?" Orion sighed, "You wouldn't know about me because I was adopted after you stopped being friends with Izuku. By the way, just call me Orion, so as to not confuse the two of us again." Bakugo grumbles and Aizawa says, "Orion, come up here." Orion walked up to Aizawa. Aizawa gave him a softball, "Throw this." Orion said, "Never did this before." Aizawa said, "Make sure to use your quirk in any way you want. Just stay inside the circle." Orion nodded as he prepared to   throw the ball. After a few more seconds, he threw it with all his force, which resulted in air pressure being blown all around. Aizawa looked at the device he was holding, "It's important to know your limits. That's what we'll be doing here." Aizawa showed the screen to reveal Orion's score of three thousand four hundred thirty meters. The students were excited, "Holy crap! How'd he do that?" "An enhancement quirk?" "That looks like fun!" Aizawa was about to say something, but Orion beat him to it, "You think that your three years at UA are going to be all fun and games. Well think again.  Aizawa, do me the favor of expelling whoever gets last place. They obviously don't have any potential and them being here would be a waste of time." Aizawa grinned at Orion, "You literally spoke everything I was thinking. I was going to expel whoever got last place for the same reason you said. Let's begin." Everyone became nervous. Izuku was the most nervous of all. What do I do? I can't control One for All yet. I need to do this. thought Izuku.

The first test was the fifty meter dash. Orion had to do the test alone. As soon as the robot said start, he rushed to the other end. The robot announced, "Point five seconds." Orion sighed I could have done better. But, I can't let them see everything that I;m capable, at least, not yet. The second test was the standing long jump. Orion managed to go further than any of the other students. The third test was the grip strength. Orion stared at Izuku, who was nervous and was unable to get a good score since he was unable to use One for All. Everyone was paying attention to the male with several arms that had gotten a score over five hundred. Orion sighed as he used his quirk on the grip strength. Uraraka was passing by when she saw his score, "Whaaaa? Eight hundred thirteen. You're strong Orion!" Everyone else heard her and walked to Orion to talk to him. The fourth test was the side-to-side step. Orion managed to get fifty steps per second, defeating a male with grapes for hair. The fifth test was the softball throw. Orion walked up to throw it again. Aizawa asked, "Do you really want to do it again? You'll still have the best score." Orion chuckled, "Oh, my dear Mr. Aizawa. That was just a practice run to see how to throw the softball. This is for keeps." Orion held the ball and used his quirk. As he threw the ball, he yelled, "One million percent maximum absolute no chill!" He threw the ball harder than he had before, causing pressure that nearly blew away some of his smaller classmates. Aizawa stared at the device, "Impressive." He showed the score to the others, who yelled out, "Five million three thousand six hundred thirty nine!" Orion smirked as he walked towards Izuku, who was also in shock at his brother's abilities. Orion gave his older brother a thumbs up as he went to throw the ball. Izuku focused all of One for All into his arm and threw it. However, the ball barely went over forty meters. Izuku stared in shock and turned to his teacher. Aizawa's eyes were red and his hair was floating, "What did think you were going to do Break your arm again and hope someone else would save you. Letting you into the hero course was irrational." Aizawa had wrapped Izuku in his scarf when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Aizawa turned and then found himself being pushed away by Orion. Orion stared at Aizawa, anger present in his eyes, "Listen here you little cockroach. I don;t care if you are a pro hero, Shota. I will not allow you to insult Izuku, especially when you are incapable of understanding him. Now shut up, give him back his quirk, and let him do the throw again." Aizawa stared at Orion with surprise. He had met the boy before, but he had never considered that he might be capable of such anger. The other students, minus a few, were scared out of their minds by the venom that laced Orion's words. Orion calmed himself and turned to Izuku, "Don't listen to Eraser-head. He's just an underground hero, nothing to notice like you'll be. Just do what you can for now. Remember, I have high hopes for you." Orion gives Izuku a big smile before going to join the others. Kirishima walks up to Orion, "Dude, that was so manly of you to stick up for your brother. And I think you scared the teacher. So manly and cool." Orion continued to stare at Izuku, "I don't care if they're a student, hero or the ruler of a country. I won't let anyone stop my brother from becoming the hero that wants to be." As he said that, Izuku focused One for All in his finger and threw the ball, earning him a score of seven hundred and nine meters. Aizawa was shocked at Izuku's distance and Orion smirked at the pro hero.

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