Chapter 15: Midoriya Training

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Izuku ran outside across the beach as he prepared for the Sports Festival in one week. Meanwhile, Orion was walking next to Izuku at the same time. He was actually do a very good job keeping up, despite the difference in athletic ability. Izuku decided to ask, "Hey, Orion?" Orion asked, "Yeah? What is it Izuku?" Izuku asked, "When are you going to forgive Kirishima?" Orion said, "Well, I already did. After all, he's a hero in training, so he couldn't have understood what he did was wrong. But I still needed to punish him for his rash action." Orion looked away, "That's why I've been acting so mean to him these past few days. I'll... tell him the truth before the Sports Festival begins." Izuku laughed as they continued to go across the beach.

An hour later, Orion took Izuku to UA. Izuku asked, "Hey, Orion. Why are we here?" Orion said, "I reserved a training area for us for a few hours. We can use it to work on you being able to use One for All at the minimum that you can." Izuku looked at his brother questioningly, but chose to just do as he said. Orion always knew what to do. They entered the training area. It was a city area, just like the ones that they had practiced in before. Izuku asked, "So , what do we do first?" He looked and saw a fireball being thrown at him. He managed to barely dodge as his brother sent another one at him. Orion said, "Well, obviously, the first thing that we're going to do is spar with one another. That should give you the experience that you need to use One for All." Orion threw even more fireballs. Izuku kept dodging as quickly as he could. Izuku was forced to dodge more and more as Orion created even more fireballs at a much higher pace. Orion smiled and then began to use other counters, including his electricity and icicles. Izuku dodged as much as he could, but wsa struck every so often. Orion stopped for a moment, "Izuku, use One for All on me." Izuku asked, "What?!" Orion said, "Use your quirk on me. I can protect myself againt its power. So just use it. We can see how much power you can use when facing an actual person." Izuku nodded in understanding. He exhaled and summoned up One for All and punched his brother.  It wasn't until he was just about to hit his brother when he realized that Orion wasn't using any of his counters. Izuku flinched as he saw the wind caused by his power. Once the smoke cleared, he saw Orion perfectly fine and his arm wasn't shattered. Izuku waved his hand in front of Orion, "Hey. My arm isn't broken." Orion nodded, "Yeah. Looks like when you saw that I was unprotected, your body held back subconciously. If you just keep that memory in your mind, you should be able to control your quirk." Izuku smiled, "Right. Let's do that." Orion smiled and the two of them continued to spar. After a few minutes, Izuku attacked with One for All. Again, he didn't break his arm. They continued this pattern for a few more minutes before Orion stopped, "Izuku, you can't keep turning it on and off again. You need to send that power throughout your body and move just like All Might. Your movementsare way too tight. Honestly, I can't believe that you still act as if One for All is something special. We can continue when you understand what to do." Orion walked away, leaving Izuku to think about what to do. Izuku muttered to himself, "What does he mean? I guess he means that my movements are too tight. I guess that he wants me to be loose. But how can I be loose? Well, let's see. What makes things tight? When people are stressed, their nerves are tightened. When I call upon One for All, it's like I'm calling my trump card and... Wait. That's it. I keep using One for All like something that I have to use and because of that, the strain on my nerves and the moment to call upon it makes my movements tighter and slower. If I just use One for All throughout my entire body without having to waste time calling it up, I can make my movements as fast as Kacchan's." Orion smiled, "Hm. You seem to have found out how to properly use One for All. Now, let's see if you can't put thought into action." Izuku nodded in anticipation. The two of them continued to spar until their time was over. Izuku was barely able to stand. Orion smiled, "Good job Izuku. I reserved this training area everyday for the week leading up to the Sports Festival so we can keep on practicing. You managed to find out the basic of what you need to do. By the time that the Sports Festival comes around, you'll be able to move as fast as All Might. I hope that we can make even more progress though." Izuku smilked, "All right. I won't let you down." The two of them went to the train station and went home.

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