Chapter 3 - Basement

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Thankfully, nobody was home so I decided to take her to the basement and keep her there.

I laid her down on the mattress we had there then grabbed some chains and was about to cuff her wrists when I noticed her wrists covered in cuts and scars.

Wow, this guy did some damage.

I sighed and decided I should patch her up a bit, get her clean.

Of course, I wasn't going to check where the blood on her legs were from. I should probably get Clockwork to help with that.

I was cleaning her wounds when I heard a voice behind me.

"What the hell?!"

I turn and see Ticci and E.J. standing there looking shocked, Ticci pulling his goggles up.

"I'll explain later! Toby, just go get Natalie. E.J. come help me," I barked.

They stood there for a few seconds before they nodded and Ticci ran up the stairs and E.J. ran up to help me.


"You're gonna get in trouble! You're gonna get in trouble! You're gonna get in trouble!! HAAHAHAHAHA!!!" Laughing Jack sang as he jumped around laughing while Clockwork got the girl cleaned up and rested.

Masky was helping with her head wounds and cuts.

"There. Good as new," she said.

She got her washed and into some of her clothes- a white tank top and black leggings, Masky placing the chains on her wrists gently after he wrapped them up.

"I'd reconsider thinking those cuts were his doing, Jeff," he said.

I faced him. "What, you're saying she did those cuts?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Most possibly," he said. "I've seen people do it before. Its like a method of suicide."

I frowned. She did this to herself? She wanted to kill herself?

"Let's just leave her alone for now. She suffered a lot of serious damage, especially after being tortured by that asshole. You said that was her boyfriend?" Clockwork asked, grabbing an old blanket and covering the girl with it.

"By the looks of it," I said.

"But you're Jeff the Killer. You don't rescue. You kill. Why did you save her?" Ticci asked.

"More importantly, why bring her here?!" Slendy hissed angrily, making Hoody and Toby jump and clutch to each other in a hug as I was then face to face with Dr. Octopus himself.

Laughing Jack was loosing it and was probably pissing himself by how hard he was cackling.

"I'm not that heartless," I snapped. "I may kill, but I wasn't gonna leave her to be tortured more than she already was."

"Please let her stay, Mister Slendy," Sally said, tugging at his sleeve. "She's hurt and seems nice."

Thank you, Sally.

Slender was quiet before he groaned.

"Very well, but she is your responsibility, Jeff," he said.

I nodded as everyone then left, L.J. complaining that I wasn't in trouble.

Sally then walked up to me.

"Why did you save her?" she asked as I picked her up and rested her on my hip.

I sighed. "I need answers. I think she can give them to me," I said.

"About what?" she asked.

"You'll understand in the future," I said seriously.

She nodded.

"Let's get you to bed, so she can sleep," I said as we walked upstairs, leaving the girl on her own to rest.


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