Chapter 1

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The Ministry of magic was awfully quiet as Newt sat on a stone bench in a deserted hall. Except for the occasional hoot of an owl passing there was no sound. Picket was playing with a button on his coat sleeve, pulling the silver piece of metal out of the strings, until it hung off by one strand. The thin thread snapped and picket and the button crashed to the ground. The button rolled a couple inches before stopping on the maroon carpet. Picket looked at Newt before dashing towards the button and freedom. Newt lunged after the small green creature and managed to place a hand over the button, thus trapping it and picket.

The sound of footsteps was muffled by the carpet but Newt hadn't failed to notice the pair of purple heels that walked towards him, before stopping.

"They're ready for you Newt," The steady voice of Leta Lestrange floated down to him. Glancing up, Newt slowly picked himself off the floor, picket hitching a ride on his hand.

"Leda." Newt exhaled as he stood. "What are you doing here?"

"Theseus thought it would be good if I became part of the ministry family." The pretty woman in front of him explained.

Newt blinked in surprise, "Did he actually say the words 'ministry family'?"

A laugh was shared between them before they were disrupted by the rather noisy cleaning machine. Each took to a side of the hall while the machine passed. Leta led the way with a small smile. Newt followed obediently.

"Theseus was disappointed that you couldn't come to dinner and all the other nights we asked you." Leta said pointedly.

Newt looked away. "Well I've been busy."

Leta huffed. "He's your brother Newt. He likes spending time with you." She paused, "And so do I."

A quick and hesitant smile was passed between the both of them before Pickett decided to make a reappearance. Newt looked down at the creature.

"Oi, you, pocket." He demanded. Leta laughed.

"Why do strange creatures love you so much?"

Newt was quick to reply, "Well there are no strange creatures-"

"Only blanketed people." Leta finished for him. She turned back to the hallway.

"How many times did you get detention for saying that?"

Newt scrunched up his face in concentration. "I think it was a month."

Leta turned to face him again. "And i set off a dung bomb so I could join you. Do you remember?"

Newt caught sight of his brother, Theseus, walking down the hall towards them. Instantly his smile fell. "No, no, actually I don't remember that."

Leta looked disappointed and pursed her lips.

"Hello." Theseus said joining the duo.

Leta smiled. "Theseus. We were just talking about Newt coming over for dinner."

Theseus looked skeptically from Newt to Leta. "Really?"

Theseus glanced at the large polished black door that was a couple feet away. "Before we go in there, I um-"

"This is my fifth attempt Theseus-" Newt started but his brother cut him off once again, shaking his head.

"This isn't going to be like the other times. This- Just try to keep an open mind, Will you? And maybe a little less..." He dragged the ending.

"Like me?" Newt added with a small nod.

Theseus shifted anxiously. "It can't hurt." He turned to the door.

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