1-2: Child

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Ta-da. A beautiful christmas design, because it's December. Look at the little spidey. Isn't he so cute? Anyway, again, this is apparently a teeshirt, so if you like it, you should be able to find it on google. Anyway, hopefully I can get one more chapter of something out before New Year's.


One of the best parts about having spider powers was generally feeling awesome. My body was in a constant peak state; every muscle felt limber and strong.

Partially because they were. With only a little effort, I leaped from the ground onto the top of a streetlight. Landing in a crouched position, I balanced on the small round surface with ease. A random citizen, noticing my movement, looked up with surprise and confusion. I gave him a salute. "Afternoon, sir!"

He rubbed his head, clearly flustered. "Uh...what are you doing? Who are you?"

"I'm just sitting here. The name's...well, I'm still working on that part. You'll know soon enough."

The man was still watching me. "You headin' home?" I called down. He nodded slowly. "Cool. Safe travels, man!" I sprang off the post to the edge of a nearby building balcony, practically bouncing off it as I sprang even higher, and when I reached the wall, I simply held out my hands and feet.

It still felt strange to adhere to the wall like I did. It was like reconditioning my brain to see a wall and think, "Yeah, I can climb that."

I pulled myself up to the roof, and turned myself around. The street was know a few dozen feet below me. The sun, dropping off in the afternoon sky, created an amazing maze of shadows across the streets. When I looked at it, it was hard not to stop and take it all in.

But I knew I had to go. It was time for me to patrol the streets. My first real crime watch.

I stood and ran along the edge of the building until the corner, and then I launched myself forward, landing softly on the roof of the next building. I barely slowed at all, immediately continuing my run, as I went  from roof to roof.

As it turned out, the city isn't exactly busy with major crime every day. My total accomplishments for the next few hours totaled to stopping one car-jacking, returning a few stray pets, and a churro (you get hungry on a patrol).

I still felt on edge as I sat down on the edge of a four story apartment building. My body still longed for the right sense of adrenaline. Something more serious than the menial activity I had just done.

I didn't like the way it made me feel. I wondered if I would be constantly on the hunt for some big rush for the rest of my life. My stomach was disagreeing with what I had eaten of the churro, so I broke off some bits for a few small birds that landed near me.

I was now facing away from the sun, and the shadows were becoming the only thing visible. Orange light filled the horizon in all directions. I pulled the sleeve of my hoodie up and checked my watch. It was almost 7:30. The streets, though busier than most other places, were beginning to look empty. 

I watched a few of the people below. The occasional couple walking hand in hand. A man leaving the bank directly across the street, locking the door behind him. I glanced at my watch again. Kinda early to close, isn't it?

My eyes followed him as he strolled a short distance down the block and got into a small black car. I shook my head. "Get over it, Peter. It's just a guy closing a bank."

I barely noticed when I had run out of churro. The birds still looked hopeful, giving me an uncomfortable amount of attention. I waved them off. "No more. Shoo."

They seemed to take this as an invitation to come closer. I groaned and stood up. "Come on. Get out of here." It took a significant amount of action, but they finally departed. I crumpled up the baking paper in my hand, and shoved it into my pocket. Now that I was up, I might as well be going.

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