Chapter 4

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Bucky went back to UGA to do his senior year of college and was living in the married dorms with Norah. The only thing Ellie would do is let him hear her voice over the phone cause she started to round out when she was 17 weeks pregnant which was in the middle of September. The girls were the only ones that knew where she was staying at and would go see her.  Nat went with her to her gender appointment and her and Wanda and Fiona and her mom did a gender reveal party with her. They brought her a cake and she cut into the cake and saw pink and she said "IT"S A GIRL." 

"It's a girl" Nat said with a smile. 

She did online courses at the community college for fear that if Bucky seen her driving around if he decided to come in to check on her. She laid there for weeks trying to decide on a name for her little girl and she said "What do you think baby girl do like Tinsley or Kinsley regardless you are getting mama's middle name. So a kick for Kinsley no ok what about a kick for Tinsley no kick for that either what about Caroline Jane do you like that name" then she felt a kick and she smiled and said "Caroline Jane it is." 

She didn't know that night Bucky was playing UNC that night and he didn't see her on the sidelines she was always the only red head on a cheer squad. His mind was a mess the rest of the game he was scared that wasn't like her to quit cheering she's been doing it since she was 5 years old. After the game he drove all the way back to Savannah and drove to her dad's house and he knocked on the door and he said "Where is she?' 

"Bucky calm down what is wrong?' Bill said

"I just played UNC Bill.. I know something is wrong she wasn't on the sidelines cheering where is Ellie Jane." he said 

Bill pulled out his phone and called Ellie and put her on speakerphone and he said "Hey Ellie I have Bucky here freaked out cause he didn't see you cheering. UGA played UNC tonight." 

"Oh um I'm not cheering anymore I'm just focusing on my last year of college being a English Lit major is a lot of hard work I swear Buck I thought I told you." she said

"No you didn't tell me I just um I'm glad you are ok um I just wish you would let me see you." he said. 

"I swear I'm fine Buck." she said 

"Ok.." he said

She hung up and he said "I'm sorry Bill I just I"m worried she's pushing me away and she cries all the time it scares me." 

"Buck she's fine she calls me and her mom every day and checks in. She just wants time to herself right now I know you are scared cause you are the one that found her that day but Buck suffocating her and being scared that you are going to find her like that again isn't good for you and your marriage and I'm glad that Norah likes her but Ellie Jane has to find herself again that's all she's doing" Bill said as he hugged him. 

He hugged him back and said "ok I'm trying but I just worry"

"It's fine to worry about her." he said 

Bucky drove back to Athens and cried he got home and Norah said "IS she ok." 

"I guess so I dont fucking know her dad called her and she said that she quit cheering and that she could of sworn she told me and then Bill said she's just needs space to find herself again and that I need to quit suffocating her." Bucky said 

Norah hugged him and said "Buck we both have known Ellie a long time and I remember when you told me that you were the one that found her and how heartbroken you were that you couldn't tell that something was wrong at 15 but now we are 21 years old and she may be showing the signs again but it could just be stress from it being senior year of college it could be a lot of different things that she may not want to talk to anyone about and I'm sure it has a lot to do with Lucas. Lucas and her were engaged for a year and she had everything planned out and she was getting her dream fall wedding next month and he dumped a shitty ass break up line on her because he didn't want to hurt her feelings and then we got married and Nat and Wanda have their double wedding in February. I"m sure it doesn't feel to good to her right now and she's trying to deal with it by herself cause she does't want to feel like a burden." 

He looked down and said "Baby I know Ellie if something was bothering her this bad she would talk to me she was on the verge of tears the whole day we got married. She refused to tell me what was really wrong and that's not like her." 

"Buck her best friend since preschool just got married." she said as she kissed him

He wiped tears and said "Yeah.. I'm going to go take a hot shower." 

Ellie Jane fell asleep shortly after her dad called as her little girl moved around against her hand while in Athens Bucky laid there in the dark with a naked Norah on his chest as they had sex after his shower. He sent Ellie a text that said "I'm sorry if I did something to hurt you baby I never meant to hurt you if I did. I wish you could tell me what's bothering you but just know that I love you best friend and just call me and talk to me you know that just because I got married didn't mean I was going to quit being your best friend." 

She woke up and saw the text she bit her lip and texted "I just want time to myself that's all Buck.. I'm not trying to be mean or hateful but this year has been very fucking hard for me I was suppose to be getting married next month Buck and now I'm not. I"ve had to be in one wedding and attend another and now I'm about to be another one as a maid of honor it's just a hard pill to swallow." 

"Ellie Jane this isn't like you baby you have always come to me about anything ." he texted back.

"And I have to remember that you are married Buck.. I can't come running to you anymore as much as I love Norah and she loves me we can't have that kind of friendship anymore" she texted back. 

He threw his phone on the night stand and cried himself to sleep he was losing his best friend he had no idea that marrying Norah was going to cause her to push him away. 

The next morning Norah saw his phone in the floor as he was asleep and picked up and saw what she said last and Norah whispered "Oh no.." as she laid his phone down on the night stand. Ellie was just trying to respect his relationship and marriage with Norah and she woke up Bucky and he said "Morning baby." 

"Morning um I picked up your phone I hope you don't hate me Buck.. I saw what she said last baby she's just trying to respect our marriage she doesn't want to step on my toes." she said as she cupped his cheek. 

"I know baby but it hurts she knows that it wouldn't bother you it's never bothered you before why now is she suddenly being like this." he said with tears.

"Baby" she said as she hugged him as he cried. 

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