Chapter 9

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The next morning he fed Caroline again so Ellie could get ready for the day. She pulled her red hair back into a ponytail and she put on a slouchy sweater and ripped jeans and her boots. She got Caroline dressed and ready while he took a shower. He came in and stood at the door frame as she put a bow on Caroline's headband and she said "We are going to meet your other grandma and grandpa baby they are going to love you." 

She turned around and saw him smiling at her and she said "What?'

"You being a mama is adorable." he said as he took Caroline.

He read her onesie that said "Mama + Me= 1 broke daddy' 

"Oh that's mean" he said

"What? my dad bought it and said that he hoped that one day I would eventually tell you" she said 

He started laughing and said' My girls let's go." 

She put a little coat on Caroline and then put her in the car seat and they loaded up in Ellie's car and he said "I take it you decided to get this car cause it was safer." 

"Actually it was my dad and my mom and stepdad that got it for me and told me that it was no longer about how cute I looked in a car so they made me trade in my jeep and they got me this Kia Sorento

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"Actually it was my dad and my mom and stepdad that got it for me and told me that it was no longer about how cute I looked in a car so they made me trade in my jeep and they got me this Kia Sorento." she said as she started it up. 

"I knew that was why you wanted that jeep so bad." he said with a smile. 

"Shut up.. I have you no that I actually miss my jeep." she said 

They started down the road to his parents house and he turned on a song for her and he said "Baby this feels right with you" as "For Her" by Chris Lane played. 

She rolled her eyes and said "I agree with you though baby this feels right. Maybe me getting pregnant was God's way of saying hey idiots" 

He started laughing and said "baby you are a goober.'

They pulled into his parents drive way and she bit her lip. "Baby this is going to be fine they will understand." 

He got Caroline out of the car and carried the car seat and held Ellie's hand as they walked up to the porch. He opened the door and they went in and he said "Mom Dad where are you?'

"In the kitchen James" Winnie said 

He rolled his eyes and he said "You and her stay right here ok." as he left them in the living room. He went into the kitchen and he said "Um I need to tell you two something. Well a few things actually. Um sit down please." 

"James honey is everything ok?' Winnie said

"Um last year I cheated on Norah with Ellie Jane the weekend of Ellie's 21st birthday and um the reason why Ellie tried to hide from me and push me away was because the morning of my wedding she found out she was pregnant with my baby. I didn't know anything about the pregnancy because when we slept together I told her that no one was to know that it was our secret so that made her think that it was best to keep it from me to protect all parties involved. 2 days ago I met my daughter at Nat and Wanda's wedding rehearsal she's a month old as of today. Ellie Jane never meant to hurt anyone in this mom and dad she was scared please don't be mad at her when she comes in here." he said 

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