Chapter 6

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It was the night before Nat and Wanda's double wedding Ellie had to face the music of Bucky being mad at her. She walked into the rehearsal at the church with Caroline's car seat and Bucky looked at her and then back at the car seat in her hand and he said "Ellie.." 

She bit her lip and swallowed hard as she walked to the front of the church. She sat Caroline's car seat down and she took off her coat and scarf and laid it on top of the diaper bag. Bucky walked over to her and said "You and me right now." as he said "Nat seeing as I know you already know she's been hiding the baby you can watch the baby" as he dragged her up the aisle and he said "You lied to me this whole fucking time why do you think I was going to care that you got pregnant by someone"

She started to cry and he said "Ellie .. Ellie talk to me I'm tired of the lies what the fuck is going on with you. You push me away cause you got pregnant" 

She looked down and he said "Ellie Jane what is it why didn't you want me to know?'

"Because she's yours damn it!" she said 

"What?" he said 

"She's yours Bucky.. I found out the morning of your wedding when I peed on a stick. What we did was suppose to be a secret Bucky so I did what I thought was best by keeping it a secret. She's a month old her name is Caroline Jane and she's yours all you have to do is look at her she has your nose. I pushed you away for a reason cause I want you to be happy I will do what ever  I have to as long as you are happy."she said 

He wiped tears and whispered "Baby you are suppose to be on birth control" 

"Well guess what I quit taking it when Lucas broke up with me I had no intentions of sleeping with anyone or dating anyone. I"ve moved back home that's why you didn't see me at UNC that night I've been staying out at my grandma's house so you couldn't find me I started taking online classes through the college." she said 

He closed his eyes and she heard Caroline crying and she walked away and went to her. She grabbed her blanket and sat down covered herself up a little so she could feed Caroline. She looked down at her avoiding everyone's stares once she was done she tucked herself away and swaddled her up. Bucky came in and walked over and sat beside Ellie and took Caroline and he looked down at her as she squirmed around and felt tears welling in his eyes as he could see his nose but she was every bit of Ellie Jane. 

"Did we miss something?' Steve said 

Ellie looked down and Steve said "Cause Ellie Jane that man right there has come very close to losing his scholarship on the football field cause he was scared to death." 

"Steve now isn't the time" Natasha said 

"No I want to know why for months you changed Ellie and made him think that he did something wrong. Made him scared to death to sleep cause he would dream about how he found you but this time it was you now." Steve said

She wiped tears and took Caroline and put her in her car seat and Bucky stopped her from putting her coat on and he whispered "Breathe.." 

Ellie looked around and whispered "Where's Norah?' 

"She's not coming in till tomorrow." he said 

She bit her lip and said "Caroline is Bucky's baby. I had her a month ago I found out I was pregnant with her the morning of his wedding. We hooked up on my birthday Bucky didn't know that I had stopped taking my birth control.' 

Steve said "Buck Ellie I thought you two made a promise to never be like us." 

"I just wanted her to feel better on her birthday I didn't care in that moment I just wanted Ellie to feel wanted and loved. She told me that night that she found out the real reason why Lucas broke up with her was because he wanted to be with someone else and it hurt her feelings." he said

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