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From across the room our eyes connect

Thoughts are shared subconsciously

But then Bashful eyes look away

We had never met before this day

But your presence feels just like yesterday

Radiant lips whisper hello

A smile is accented by a raised eyebrow

There is no denying that you are beautiful!

Struggling, to swim across a room deep with people

Only to become the Captor of this Siren

The helplessness of the spellbound.........

Small talk ensues

As enticement and Martinis abound!

A more secluded setting is agreed upon

Being too intoxicated to drive a cab arrives

To take us to my side of town......

On a worn backseat eager lips and tongue

Engage in playful acts, as feral hands refuse

To be restrained from exploring, already loosened clothing!

Into the elevator, 24th floor destined 

Pinned against a wall, heavy breathing and gasping

Shoulders lightly bitten with ravenous teeth

Lavender lace, are draped onto stiletto entrapped feet

A tightening grip constricts, slowly gyrating hips

Grinding, deeper and deeper inside

Give me more! Give more you cried!

Faster and faster it can't be stopped!

At the 24th floor, a pushed button opens the door!

We don't care! Almost there! Almost there!

This is an embarrassing predicament!

"What the Hell!" "This Is the Third Time This Week!"

Screamed my building superintendent!

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