Chapter 20

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[¥]Chapter 20[¥]

¬£¬What Can I Do¬£¬

Returning to school that following Monday was not very exciting to Kelly anymore. Knowing that Khalia should have been returning with him back to school that day. As he made his way down the hallway ignoring everyone that greeted him with smiles on their face-a pair of worried eyes gazed upon his sad face.

"Kelly what's wrong? Where is Khalia? Is she alright?" A familiar voice asked a little scared. He stopped walking, looked at the owner, and saw it was Alicia.

"I wish I could tell you, and to answer you're other questions; she's not here and she is not okay." Her eyes grew big.

"Oh my God! What's wrong with her?" She asked frantically shaking Kelly a little. Searching his face for an answer.

"From what I know. Someone came into her house and physically abused her. Now she is in the hospital with severe damages and is in a coma. The doctors said they don't know when or if she'll ever come out of it." The last part was low, and he felt himself falling apart, all over again. He looked up and saw Alicia standing there in shock. With tears in her eyes after hearing about her new and yet only friend's condition. She could only pull Kelly into a tight hug. Considering her comfort, he hugged her back. Trying to fight back the tears, he told her the rest of the story about Makierra.

"Aww Kelly I'm soo sorry to hear that. Are you okay?" Alicia asked wiping the tears away.

"I will be once I know she'll make it." Kelly said.

"I'm pretty sure she'll pull through." Then the bell sounded and they all went to class.

As the day went on, his mind was only on one thing; that was to see Khalia. Then something popped in his head. The power to plot revenge on who ever did this to her. He thought long and hard, trying to come up with a conclusion as to who could have done it, but nothing came up. Unaware that the bell rung and the class had emptied out he sat there wrecking his brain on who to plot revenge on and how.

"Mr. Bradshaw?" His voice snapped Kelly out of his thoughts. He looked down at his unfinished work then back up to Mr. Black. "Mr. Bradshaw, the class has been dismissed a minute ago." Mr. Black informed Kelly as he straightened up some papers on his desk.

"Sorry about that. I was side tracked." He apologized.

"What's going on with you? You have been slipping since last week. You don't pay attention anymore, you're lacking behind on your work and your report was due Friday." said Mr. Black.

"I know Mr. B I'll have that into you first thing tomorrow morning." Gathering his books and packing his things he could not help but to think of how he is letting Khalia down. He promised her that no matter what happens good or bad he would always stay focus on his work. Schoolwork and family was more important to her than anything was. She had told him that she will always be there no matter what, but his family is only around for a short time. Mr. Black got up from his desk and sat next to Kelly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Mr. B asked as he approached the desk.

"Not really. The more I think about it the more it hurts." Kelly said. He just sat there and closed his eyes trying to block out the pain.

"Is this about that beautiful young lady I seen you walking around the halls with? Uh Sasha, Tamaqua." Mr. B said trying to figure out her name.

"Khalia." Kelly corrected.

"Yeah that's it. Khalia." He closed his eyes and meditated on the name. "What happened to her? I heard she was sick last week. You know she's very well known with these teachers." He said turning his attention to Kelly, who was sitting there in a daze.

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