chapter one - the light

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"a red light in the golden colored sky"

Leafy's POV
I stared out the window, my arms resting on the wooden windowsill. Everything was peaceful that day. Maybe... a bit too peaceful. I almost never found that state of tranquility after I moved to Yoyle City, and I missed it. I remembered the time I lived in the woods. It was calm, and mostly quiet, unlike the city. Here, it was packed. Many people roamed the streets, making it a little harder to get around. I soon found myself staring at the sky, longing to go back.

The sky was a clear, vibrant gold, which wasn't normal for us who resided in the city. Normally, it would be a calming, gray-ish yellow with some occasional clouds passing by. It was beautiful outside, to say the least. Some clouds, yes, but they weren't much of a problem. The sun was shining unusually bright, which caused a little squint in my tinted green eyes.

The usual lack of both sun and rain caused gardening-- the main thing I missed-- to be almost impossible. A man who goes by the name of Fries somehow managed to do it, according to Pin. I still had yet to figure out how, though. I planned on making a garden full of all sorts of flowers, like petunias, bluebells, and lillies. That is, if I could find Fries. If the plan failed, I guess my main hobby was going to stay as playing Animal Crossing with Firey, reading horror novels, or baking.

I shut the window, walking to the door of my bedroom. It had sea-green walls, and very soft carpeting. The room had fairy lights hanging over it, adding a calming atmosphere that I enjoyed. My bed was a loft, so I had to climb a ladder to get up to it, which was fine. I turned the silver doorknob, opening the door. I stepped through the doorway, and down the stairs. I soon found myself opening the front door, and walking into the great outdoors.

As I strolled along the sidewalk, I kept my hands in my overall pockets, seeing all of the sights. Purple-leaved trees-- called Yuloa-- grew around the city, among other multicolored trees. I found them pretty, since they weren't anything like the dark green leaves in the woods. Those leaves felt repetitive and old, so it was nice to have a bit of change for once. I saw many other people around me, but I didn't know many of them. Some I recognized, like a blonde-haired girl named Ice Cube. She was always cold, even in the warmer seasons. I only knew her from the few times I went ice skating, but we still talked often. I approached the girl, putting a smile on my face. "Hey, Icy!"

Ice Cube turned to me, strands of her short hair flying in front of her face. Her blue-gray eyes widened, and a smile grew on her face as well. "Hi Leafy!" She waved to me. Icy didn't speak much, and only really did small talk. Once she grew comfortable with you, she was very sweet, which is what I loved about her. "What're you doing out and about?"

"I was just taking a stroll." I shrugged, keeping my grin. "It's beautiful outside, is it not?"

"Yeah, I know! I forgot how much I missed the nicer weather..." The two of us started walking together. I tried going a little slower, so she could keep up with my walking speed. I had really long legs, so I was quicker than a lot of people.

"Mhm..." I looked down at the beige sidewalk, then at her. "Do you think it'll stay like this?" I questioned, glancing at the other girl.

"I doubt it." Ice Cube shook her head. She looked upset, and I didn't blame her. I missed the days where it wasn't so chilly in the fall. We didn't have to wear a heavy coat, something that I always hated growing up.

An awkward silence grew between us, which bugged me. There were many things I deeply loathed, including that. I saw the beauty in everything-- and everyone, but there were just so many things I couldn't stand one bit. Some of those things were irrational fears, such as fire. Despite that, I somehow managed to make good friends with Firey, a complete pyromaniac. The two of us-- sometimes Pin and Coiny tagging along-- used to have frequent bonfires. I never got too close to the flames, but we always had a good time. It's a shame Icy couldn't ever go, but she always said that she preferred not to, which I understood.

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