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How do I tell you
How do I express the depth
My love?

How do I show you
How do I show you just how
Much I appreciate what you
Have done for me

I am a broken creature
How do you stay with me
How do you stand against
The darkness that is
My soul

How do you still love me
When you have every reason
To hate me

How do I
Do better
Be better
How am I to heal
When all I do is destroy

How do I keep going
Even when I say
I'm giving up
I've given up

How is it possible that
A single person can do so much
For one so lost and broken
To love such a person
As if they were never broken

How is it that none
Of these things matter
All that matters
The girl with the stars in her eyes.

This girl will save the demon
And return him to his godhood
How is elusive
Maybe it's magic
Maybe it's an everlasting love
And just maybe a little bit of both

How matters not
To an old soul
Only that it is
As it should be

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