Ode to Peace

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I lie awake at night

thinking about my mistakes

wishing I could make it right

although all I did was take

I could have done better

could have been sweeter

I just wanted to make you smile

if only for a while

I said many things

I broke your heart

I ripped out your wings

I tore you apart

I lie awake at night

wondering how I could have made it right

things I should have said

but now its dead

I wrote you a last letter

it kills me inside

you deserve better

I should never have brought you to my side

I saw it before it began

thinking maybe I can

knew the end would come

still lost that which could have become

I still care

I still worry

I just want to be there

I am so sorry

I'm Sorry I broke us 

I know it's gone that bus

I wish we could start again

I'm just so tired of all this pain

I lie awake at night

wondering how I could have been better

Gone is our light

destroyed right down to the letter

I lie awake at night

take me to flight

hoping to never see the sunrise

going beyond the skies

I wish for my rest

my torment forever to surround

to sleep in death's eternal nest

My soul forever bound

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