Chapter 14

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"And I looked everywhere for him." Skye sighed sadly but Everest patted her back.

"Zuma, Rubble, could you guys check the boys bathroom?" Marshall asked

Zuma and Rubble nodded and rushed out the room. They headed down the hall where two restrooms we're placed. They went through the blue door on the left. The bathroom looked deserted.

"Chase! You in here bud?! Skye is pwetty upset!" Zuma called out

Rubble pushed open the unlocked stalls but saw no one. He turned to Zuma and shook his head. With a sigh of disappointment, Zuma and Rubble began to walk out before something caught Rubble's eye.

"Hey, what's that?" Rubble asked specifically no one as he walked towards the large trash can.

Zuma turned around when Rubble picked up what looked like a piece of cloth. He walked closer but only to gasp in shock. In Rubble's hands was Chase's mask.

"What..the hell." They both muttered, glancing slowly at one another.

Almost immediately, both of the boys ran back to the party all their friends, still standing at the same place before they left. Rocky and Marshall were talking to them in a deep conversation before they interrupted a bit loudly for only a few students to hear.

"Dude, Wubble found Chase's mask in the bathwoom!" Zuma shouted

Only a small few students were looking at the group suspiciously and curious. Everest put a hand over Zuma's mouth and glared at him.

"Shhh! We don't want the whole school noticing us!" Everest scolded

The students look away to mind their own business when Skye glared at them. She turns back her friends, grabbing the blue cloth from Zuma's hands. She stared at it, her eyes filled with tears. Before they flowed out, a piece of paper dropped from Skye's hands. Marshall picked it up and unfolded it, reading the noticeably sloppy handwriting.

I hAvE ChAsE, bUt dO NoT WoRrY, hE Is SaFe fOr nOw. You have UntEll MiDeKnIgHt To fInD HiM AnD iF yOu dOuN't, hE wIlL ApPeAr aT SoMeOnE'S FrOnT DoOr, BeAt uP oR In tHe HoSpItAl. HeRe'S yOuR fIrSt ClUe, fOlLoW ThE PiEcEs oF hIs CaPe wHeRe tEaChEeS UsUaLlY pUt ThEiR SuPpLiEs.

"Well whoever wrote this is terrible at writing, I had to stutter this whole thing out!" exclaimed Marshall

Everest clear her throat "More importantly, someone has Chase and he's gonna get hurt if we don't hurry."

Rocky took out his phone "It's only 8:46, we still have till midnight to find Chase."

"But where do we start? I don't see any of Chase's cape." Lyra explained

"We should start figuring out the clue but let's go somewhere that doesn't look like a strip club." Skye muttered the last part under her breath.

The gang walked out of the hype room and towards the first floor, where they sat in the lounge and started figuring out the clue.

"We should stawt at the boys bathwoom, you know, since we found Chase's mask wight thewe." Zuma suggested

"Good, but first." Marshall trailed off and walked closely to Skye.

Skye was sitting in one of the chairs, her head in her hands. She is stared at the shiny white floor sadly and broken, her mind was wondering to a happen to the love of her life. Marshall kneeled on his knees and tilted her chin up.

"Skye, I know you miss Chase and your worried about him but do you think you can put those feelings aside until we find him." Marshall whispered calmly in her ear.

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